Friday, March 2, 2018

Rihanna: I"m 30 & It Might Be Time to Have a Baby

While there have been some unkind pregnancy rumors about Rihanna in recent months, this beautiful and talented singer and actress might bring some truth to them in the future.

You know how she’s landed herself a super handsome boyfriend, Hassan Jameel?

She’s reportedly considering the idea of making him her baby daddy.

HollywoodLife reports that Rihanna is considering having a child with boyfriend Hassan Jameel.

“Rihanna is madly in love with Hassan and she’s starting to plan for a future with him.”

The guy’s first and last names together literally mean “handsome handsome” and he lives up to that, so this isn’t much of a surprise.

“This is the first guy since Chris (Brown) that’s made her feel this way, like she wants to settle down.”

Hopefully, this relationship will be less disastrous and upsetting.

Their source continues.

This time, they’re talking about how and when Rihanna and Hassan currently see each other.

“She and Hassan mostly meet up in Europe, it’s a good midway point for them.”

That makes sense.

“But now she’s talking about making it her full-time base so she can have even more time with him”

We in the US would miss Rihanna, but what makes her happy is what really matters.

Apparently, her recent birthday is making her think about settling down.

“They are very serious and now that Rihanna has hit the big 3-0 she’s thinking about stuff like marriage and family a lot more.”

We can see that.

Apparently, like countless fellow Millennials, Rihanna is noticing that she isn’t reaching certain milestones at the ages that she’d imagined.

“She always thought she would have kids by this age so that’s on her mind now too.”

Sometimes, these thoughts gnaw at you. And then there are all sorts of social pressures.

“She and Hassan aren’t rushing into anything, but that is where her head is going. It really seems like she’s met her Prince Charming.”

He’s a Saudi businessman and heir to one of the world’s biggest companies. 

Those are some princely qualities, for sure.

It doesn’t hurt that he’s reportedly warned Chris Brown to stay away from Rihanna. That makes him sound like a knight in shining armor.

Apparently, Rihanna is understandably head-over-heels.

“This guy has completely swept her off her feet.”

That’s so heartwarming to hear!

And he’s a definite improvement over a certain scumbag she used to love.

“For a long time she worried that she’d never love anyone as much as Chris, but Hassan is showing her it’s possible. Chris will always be her first true love but Hassan has made his own mark.”

Hopefully, Chris Brown will one day be but a distant memory.

(For the whole world, but especially for Rihanna)

“It’s two different kind of loves but equally strong.”

This new love, of course, doesn’t seem to be toxic or dangerous.

Rihanna just turned 30 in February.

While there’s no “right time” to have a baby, and while absolutely no one is obligated to reproduce … many look at her and say that this might be a very good time.

But if Rihanna wants to put off having a child for another few years, or a decade, or literally forever, that is totally her choice to make.

Rihanna is an amazing talent, and no amount of love for her gives any fan — or anyone else — the right to make that kind of choice for her.
