Thursday, March 29, 2018

Rob Kardashian to Blac Chyna: I Want You Back, Bae!

Rob Kardashian just turned 31 earlier this month, and he’s lost a massive amount of weight. And it sounds like he’s looking to make another change in his life.

Namely, that he wants to get back with Blac Chyna and make their family whole again.

Is this a good idea … or a disaster?

InTouch Weekly reports that Rob Kardashian wants Blac Chyna back, and is willing to take whatever steps are necessary to woo her.

“He has high hopes, despite everything they’ve been through.”

It’s not just that these two didn’t get along. They both accuse each other of violence. Even after their breakup, they’ve had custody fights and other courtroom battles.

We can only guess as to why Rob is allegedly hoping that she will have him back. We don’t suspect that he misses Chyna’s oral skills, such as they are.

It may be that, despite all of their conflicts both at home and in court, Rob has come to feel that Chyna was the perfect partner — and perhaps the only perfect partner.

It is also possible that he feels that the two of them together would be the best thing for their young daughter, Dream.

Aside from the many differences that Rob and Chyna have had, there’s one major barrier that Rob perhaps did not consider when he reportedly set out to reclaim his ex’s heart.

Because Kris Jenner is, this source claims, strongly opposed to seeing Rob’s relationship with Blac Chyna get renewed.

“She despises Chyna and thinks Rob is insane for wanting to get back with her.”

Well, Kris is of course going to be protective of her only son.

And she can’t be eager to see him repeat disastrous mistakes. For her own sake, and for her adorable granddaughter’s.

Reportedly, Kris has issued an ultimatum.

“She told him that if he does, she’s cutting him off.”

That said … it’s hard to imagine Kris actually following through with that.

Despite these obstacles, the source claims, Rob Kardashian is determined.

“He’s on a mission to win Chyna back.”

You’d think that Chyna would be leery of him, and worry that their disastrous history would just repeat itself.

“Rob thinks he can prove he’s a new man.”

That would take a lot more than just some weight loss and a birthday, but … we suppose that it might be possible.

But would Blac Chyna even be interested?

One can imagine why Rob might want his baby mama back. She’s young and hot and, despite everything, he still has good memories.

Plus, he’s currently paying her a lot of money.

But let’s look at things from Blac Chyna’s perspective for a moment.

She’s young. She’s hot. And, as we said, Rob is paying her a lot of money.

Why would she want to go back to a man whom she accused of violence?

Especially since recently Chyna’s been dating an 18-year-old? It sounds like she’s living her best life.

Anyone involved might be concerned about this story for Dream’s sake, if nothing else.

Dream might love both of her parents, but one has to imagine how upset — and even traumatized — she might be if the two of them get back together only to begin fighting again.

Even verbal arguments between parents can be upsetting for children.

Given the extensive violence contained in the accusations that these two have shot back and forth, anyone who cares about Dream would have to worry about what she might witness if Rob and Chyna once again fall into each other’s orbit.

Reconciliation isn’t always what’s best for a child, folks.
