Friday, March 23, 2018

Kenya Moore: Watch My Husband Save My Job!

For a while now, fans of The Real Housewives of Atlanta have worried that Kenya Moore is fired.

But reports that producers were looking for her replacement have now been cast into doubt because the impossible has happened … and it might just save her job.

Her camera-shy husband, Marc Daly, is appearing on the show. And we have the clip, below.

Kenya moore and marc daly

In the The Real Housewives of Atlanta clip that you"re about to watch below, Kenya Moore is explaining to her fellow Housewives that her husband will not be joining them.

Her excuse — for the man who has famously refused to appear on the series — is that he is working.

"Oh Lord," she laments. "He"s working and he was just like, "I can"t, but I send you my love.""

She goes on to say that he"s effectively helpless without her.

"He cannot get on a plane by himself, girl. I need to book his ticket, I need to pick out his clothes."

We"re talking about a grown man, but a lot of wives do that sort of labor for their husbands because of complicated cultural factors related to gender roles.

Marc daly and kenya moore

Earlier this season, Kenya and her fellow Real Housewives filmed a domestic violence PSA.

The clip below is taken from the viewing event, and Kenya welcomes the audience, saying:

"Hi! Thank you guys for coming out tonight."

She continues, smiling at the crowd while wearing a sensational white dress.

"Personally speaking, I just want to thank the people that hold me up daily."

As she continues to speak, the camera pans over and focuses on a door, through which enters … her husband, Marc Daly.

This is his first appearance on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Kenya moore wedding picture

In 2017, Kenya Moore married Marc Daly in a secret wedding ceremony. Not even producers knew about it until after the fact.

That blew up in Kenya"s face, leaving fans wondering when she would be fired for hiding such a major life event from a show that is supposed to follow her through her life"s ups and downs and, yes, her major milestones.

What"s more is that Marc Daly refuses to appear on the series. He believes that The Real Housewives of Atlanta portrays black men in a negative light and that perpetuating this harmful image hurts the community at large.

(He"s not alone. People have written scholarly essays on this topic, citing specific examples of how white men are often uplifted as providers and partners while cameras and editing do nothing of the sort of black men)

Since then, she has been on thin ice with Bravo, and had to resort to faking explosive meltdowns in order to keep herself "interesting" enough to remain on the show.

But it hasn"t looked like it would be enough. Marc Daly showing up on camera is a real game-changer.

Kenya moore and marc daly for bae day

So, on the surface, the clip that you"ll watch below is about Kenya"s husband surprising her when she had believed that he would be unable to make it to an event.

And, of course, about her being able to introduce him to her costars.

On a deeper level, however, this scene and big reveal is about Marc stepping out to support his wife and making her and her career his priority.

Obviously, he must have talked about this with producers in advance. It does not appear that any of the show"s stars knew about this surprise beforehand.

Kenya moore wedding photo

Will this be enough for Kenya to remain on the show and continue collecting that nice Real Housewives salary?

Fans hope so.

it seems unlikely that Marc would step in with a career-saving move on his wife"s behalf just for the network to send her packing.

What"s more … maybe Marc decided that he could be the role model that he wants for people to see on the show.

The full episode airs Sunday, March 25th.

Take a look:

Kenya moore watch her husbands first rhoa appearance