Friday, March 2, 2018

Kim Kardashian Eyes Fancy Cars, Fishes for a Push Present to Rival Kylie Jenner"s

It looks like those rumors that Kim Kardashian aims to take down Kylie Jenner aren’t going away any time soon. If anything, it looks like this sisterly competition is heating up.

So, remember how apparently Kylie Jenner got a $ 1.4 million Ferrari as a ridiculous “push present” after giving birth to Stormi Webster?

It looks like Kim is out to one-up her baby sister with a fancy, pricey new car of her own.

Kim Kardashian, for over a decade now, has been the Kardashian — she’s the face of the family and their brand.

(While Kris is the mastermind behind most of it)

On top of her success as a reality star and a branding icon, her video game for phones that came out a few years ago was a tremendous success.

But Kylie Jenner, at an astonishingly young age, is on the rise.

Kylie Cosmetics is worth a sicking amount, and is projected to be worth one billion dollars within just a few years.

Which of these successful sisters will win the race to a billion dollars?

We won’t know who wins the race to the top for years, most likely.

But Kylie sure is enjoying her status now.

Though it’s not clear where her brand new Ferrari actually came from, it’s believed to be a gift from baby daddy Travis Scott as a thank-you for, you know, giving birth to Stormi.

Push presents are normally sentimental jewelry or some sort of home redecoration thing. They’re not really supposed to cost a small fortune, but … Kylie and her family live on another level than the rest of us.

There’s one problem with Kylie’s $ 1.4 million push present … you can’t fit a carseat into it. Whoops.

But that’s not why Kylie’s family thinks that it’s ridiculous — they reportedly think that Kylie’s fondness for flaunting her wealth with expensive cars is tacky and childish.

Now that she’s a mom (at 20), they hope that she’ll mellow out.

At the same time, however, Kim seems to have her eye on the prize.

So long as the “prize” means outshining Kylie Jenner’s fancy new car with one of her own.

Over the course of several days, including just a matter of hours ago, Kim Kardashian has been pointing out super expensive, fancy, largely impractical cars on her Instagram.

She’s written things like:

“I want …”

and, days later

“I want this too …”

Does a taste for needlessly expensive vehicles that are jarringly low to the ground (but maybe they don’t care because they’re short anyway?) run in the family?

Or is this a competition?

Some fans were quick to comment, wondering why in the world Kim would be posting about wanting these particular items when, you know, she could just buy them.

But it’s easy to connect the dots.

If Kylie really got her car from Travis Scott as a push present, as is widely believed, then Kim buying herself one wouldn’t be a match for Kylie.

For Kim to match Kylie, she’d need it to be a push present from Kanye, her own baby daddy. And husband.

Of course, some would point out that Kim and Kylie are sisters, who likely have convergent tastes in many areas.

There’s so similar that they both had babies within a couple of months of each other. Chicago was Kim’s third and Stormi was Kylie’s first, and Chicago was born via surrogate, but those are just details.

So maybe they have similar tastes in cars because they’re similar people.

For that matter, maybe they’re both in the makeup business and both wildly successful because they have similarities in their personalities?

It can be fun to pit sibling against sibling, but we shouldn’t let that narrative cloud our perspective.

We don’t know what’s going on in their minds.
