Friday, March 23, 2018

Aubrey O"Day Wants to Make One Thing Clear About Her Donald Trump Jr. Affair

Aubrey O’Day is reportedly stating the obvious to friends:

Yes, the singer is allegedly telling those close to her, she slept for several months with Donald Trump Jr.

This is something she can’t really deny at this point, considering multiple outlets have reported on it and considering she wrote an entire song titled “DJT” about a past lover.

(Two notes on this song: 1. LOL!!!! 2. You can listen to it below.)

But TMZ now writes that O’Day wants to make something very clear in relaying details of this past relationship to friend:

Her affair with Trump did not end his marriage.

O’Day says that she started doing the nasty with Trump after filming on Season 5 of Celebrity Apprentice came to an end.

The shady businessman supposedly told the ex-Danity Kane group member that his marriage to wife Vanessa was essentially over and that he had actual, legitimate feelings for Aubrey.

And she believed him.

As previously reported, the affair came to an end after Vanssa Trump discovered racy emails between her husband and his mistress and then didn’t merely call O’Day to confront her about the affair…

… she called to confront her with her two little kids on the line!

This sort of effed up move was meant to lay the guilt on O’Day as heavily as possible.

But what truly put an end to the inappropriate romance was Donald Trump Sr. learning about it and telling her son to “focus on his marriage to make it work,” according to TMZ.

(Because no one out there is more against affairs and more for healthy marriages than Donald Trump Sr., right?)

Insiders tell TMZ that O’Day “devastated” people on the Internet are referring to her a homewrecker.

Her affair, after all, took place a full six years before Vanessa Trump filed for divorce.

The couple even had two more children even after Vanessa found out that Donald Jr. had been disloyal.

Unlike a few mistresses of Donald Sr., meanwhile, Aubrey swears she never signed a non-disclosure agreement and never asked for any money from the Trump family in exchange for her silence.

Why not come forward now, grant some outlet an exclusive interview and rake in big bucks?

Audrey doesn’t see the point.

She feels like she has “already lost,” explains TMZ, and probably assumes quotes on the record would merely lead to more ridicule.

For now, no one in the Trump universe has reached out to O’Day in any way.

No one has denied the rumor of this affair, either, basically guaranteeing that it isn’t merely some rumor.

Vanessa and Donald share five kids and we really do feel badly for them.

We may have many opinions about their dad and their grandfather, but their well-being is more important than anything here.

Upon announcing their split after 12 years of marriage, the Trumps released the following statement last week:

“We have decided to go our separate ways. We will always have tremendous respect for each other and our families.

“We have five beautiful children together and they remain our top priority. We ask for your privacy during this time.”
