Thursday, March 8, 2018

Tommy Lee: I Want My Son Brandon Locked Up!

Although Tommy Lee accused his son of assaulting him, it was initially reported that he was willing to drop the charges if his son apologized.

Now, however, it looks like he’s changed his tune.

In fact, he wnats a restraining order against Brandon Thomas Lee.

Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson’s marriage was dramatic, and resulted in controversy, a sex tape, and Tommy spending six months in prison.

It also resulted in the births of their two beautiful sons, Brandon Thomas and Dylan Jagger, who have now both grown up to be extraordinarily handsome adults.

Their eldest son, Brandon, is 21 years old.

In 2017, father and son celebrated Brandon’s 21st birthday together. It’s a big milestone, and Tommy witnesses his son getting his chest tattoo.

As recently as January, Tommy was posting about how proud he was of his son on Instagram, a social media platform that the aging musician usually uses for uploading photos of his much younger fiancee (occasionally subjecting fans to the sight of him licking her foot).

And Brandon has reportedly been living with Tommy in order to help his father overcome his alcoholism.

lee lip

That happy relationship has now been shattered.

“My heart is broken,” Tommy wrote along with an image of his swollen lip, uploaded to Twitter.

“You can give your kids everything they could ever want in their entire lives and they can still turn against you. Good job Brandon! Great job!”

He went on to “correct” reports, tweeting:

“My fiancee and I were in bed when my son busted into the room and assaulted me. I asked him to leave the house and he knocked me unconscious. He ran away from the police. THAT’S the truth.”

(For the record, it’s reported that police arrived on Monday night at 10:45 to take a statement but did not make any arrests, which casts doubt upon the claim that Brandon ran from police)

Initially, it looked like he wasn’t going to press charges over the alleged assault and only wanted an apology.

However, Brandon released a statement that he acted in self-defense and that the altercation was the result of his father’s alcoholism.

That … did not go over well.

Now, TMZ reports that Tommy Lee wants his son charged and is also seeking a restraining order against Brandon.

Though it’s reported that Tommy’s alcoholism was a factor, what appears to have prompted their disagreement in the first place was Tommy Lee’s hurtful tweet directed at Brandon’s mother.

On Monday evening, just hours before police were called, Tommy Lee tweeted:

“@piersmorgan ur interviews w/ Donald Trump & my ex-wife are pathetic! Think she’d find something new to discuss instead of rehashing old shit but I guess she has nothing else going on & needs attention. Signed, ‘The abuser’ (who she texts everyday & asks for me back).”

Brandon Thomas Lee has a healthy relationship with his mother and is often her plus one to events.

He cannot have liked that his father managed to insult his mother a number of ways in a tweet.

The abuse to which Pamela Anderson referred in her interview is well documented.

In 1998, Tommy Lee served six months in county jail after pleading no contest for kicking Pamela while she held their at-the-time infant son, Dylan Jagger Lee.

Pamela was found to have bruises and a torn nail following the alleged domestic violence, but it seems that Tommy considers it to be unworthy of discussion.

The fact that Brandon has anything to do with his father at all given Tommy’s history, let alone is close enough to reportedly help his father battle alcoholism, is what some would describe as heroic.

Tommy apparently doesn’t see it that way, and from his tweet, some interpret that he feels that his wealth should have been sufficient to “buy” his son’s unquestioning loyalty.

Many expect that Brittany Furlan, Tommy Lee’s much younger fiancee, may back up Tommy’s account of events. 

It’s unclear what may come of this he-said, he-said situation.

But if Tommy is really pursuing criminal charges against Brandon and also a restraining order, the rift between father and son may never be repaired.

Though his tweets and personal history may have done that already.
