Friday, April 6, 2018

Blac Chyna Loses Stroller Endorsement Deal Over Six Flags Fight!

It turns out that Blac Chyna’s recent Six Flags throwdown is impacting more than just her reputation and possibly her custody arrangement; it’s hurting her business.

You know how the video shows her allegedly hurling her daughter’s stroller? Well, she had an endorsement deal with that company. Emphasis on had.

That deal has been terminated.

If you’re getting paid to endorse a product, be sure to use it as intended. At least when you’re in public.

TMZ spoke to a representative for Momiie, the stroller company that makes the cute toy stroller that baby Dream Kardashian was riding in during the Six Flags trip.

They’d apparently grown uneasy because of other recent behaviors — including Chyna’s leaked sex tape, which was not her fault but nonetheless might have impacted their brand.

But brawling at an amusement park?

“[We] cannot excuse that sort of reaction and behavior particularly in a family resort around children,” the rep told TMZ.

In particular, Momiie can’t have loved seeing their sponsored celebrity hurling their product as an improvised weapon.

As you may recall — honestly, it’s hard to forget — a series of short videos went viral, showing Blac Chyna engaged in a heated confrontation at Six Flags.

April 1 was Easter Sunday, and Chyna had intended to take her children, Dream and King, on a peaceful trip to a theme park.

Instead, she ended up looking like an April Fool.

The video shows her partially disrobing so that she won’t have any of her expensive clothing holding her back when she, as she presumably intended, threw down.

Her entourage — which included employees as well as her 18-year-old boyfriend — managed to physically hold her back from going after the subject of her fury more than once.

But she definitely managed to hurl that stroller. It’s not a good look.

The Six Flags fight victim has spoken out about the viral incident.

She says that she saw an adorable baby and, not recognizing the baby or knowing who little Dream’s mother was, touched the baby’s cheek.

She had interpreted that the nanny who was pushing the stroller was likely the mother and that she had given permission to touch Dream.

When Chyna learned that a stranger had touched her baby, however, she was reportedly incensed and sought to confront this woman.

The woman says that as this heated confrontation went down, she instinctively slapped Chyna.

As the gifs above show, that did not go over well.

Still, in the photos that Chyna shared from that day, you can see why she had been selected as a celebrity endorser.

Dream is as cute as a button, and seeing King so enamored with his baby sister is enough to warm even the coldest of hearts.

Apparently, Chyna had hoped to eventually launch her own stroller line with Momiie.

It looks like that won’t be happening, either.

However, even though she is no longer the face of these strollers, TMZ reports that Blac Chyna’s headphones endorsement deal remains intact.

In the (hopefully unlikely) event that she’s caught on video trying to, say, strangle someone with with her headphones, that might change.

It’s worth noting that Wendy Williams recently mocked Rob Kardashian over his response to this whole incident.

During all of that, she shared that if she knew anyone who was pregnant, she would buy them that stroller.

Why? Because she noted that it didn’t seem any worse for wear, despite having been flung around as a blunt weapon.

We don’t usually say this about Wendy, but … she has a point.

In fact, we wonder if the real winner of this nasty Six Flags spat might be Momiie. Despite everything, that stroller’s gained a tremendous amount of attention.

But we don’t expect to see Momiie writing Chyna a thank-you note any time soon.
