Thursday, April 19, 2018

Tristan Thompson: Kicked Out of His Home By Khloe Kardashian?!

By now, you’ve almost certainly heard the rumors:

Tristan Thompson allegedly cheated on Khloe Kardashian while she was pregnant with his child.

We say “allegedly” for legal purposes, but anyone who’s seen the damning video evidence knows full well that at best, Tristan was engaging in some seriously sketchy behavior.

And at worst, he was sleeping around all over the country without a care for his pregnant girlfriend at home.

Speaking of “home,” Khloe took a major risk by uprooting her life and relocating to Cleveland for Tristan.

Needless to say, that risk hasn’t quite paid off.

But it seems that the new mom is intent on making the best of a bad situation.

Sources say a large segment o of the Kard clan descended on Cleveland in time for the birth of baby True.

And in the days since, they’ve been desperately trying to convince Khloe to return to LA.

But it seems like Khloe has planted her flag in C-Town and she plans to stay put on Tristan’s home-turf.

“Khloe appreciated her sisters coming to see her and True in Cleveland, but she made it clear, she isn’t going to be leaving anytime soon,” an insider tells Us Weekly.

“It’s important for Khloe that Tristan spend time with their daughter.”

The source adds:

“Were Khloe and True to leave Cleveland, it could be a bit of time until Tristan would be able to spend any significant time with their daughter in Los Angeles.”

That’s awfully nice of her, especially considering everything Tristan has done.

But it seems like the situation isn’t entirely a win-win for Thompson.

According to People magazine, Tristan “is not living in his house with Khloe.”

Instead, it seems the place is occupied by Khloe, Kris, and an army of caretakers.

Yes, Tristan gets to spend time with his newborn daughter, but it’s probably not his ideal situation, especially since his team is currently competing in the NBA playoffs.

But hey, he knew the risks he was taking when he hooked up with Lani Blair and his other side-pieces.

All-in-all, it seems Tristan came out of this relatively unscathed.

Hopefully, Khloe is just waiting until after the playoffs are over to make him pay. 
