Thursday, April 5, 2018

Briana DeJesus: Did She Just Confirm She"s Pregnant With Baby #3?!

You won’t find a reality star who’s more candid about her personal life than Briana DeJesus.

DeJesus interacts with her fans as though they’re real-life friends, and more than most of her co-stars, she seems to understand the bargain of reality television stardom.

You can’t just turn off the public’s interest in your life like a light switch whenever it’s inconvenient, and so Briana embraces the scrutiny.

The latest buzz about Bri on Teen Mom Twitter is that she’s secretly expecting a third child.

Rumors about Briana being pregnant are nothing new, of course.

As with the rest of her co-stars, fans are convinced that because she became famous on a show with “Mom” in the title, she must be pregnant or trying to get pregnant at all times.

This latest round of reports is somewhat different, however, as there are some who believe Briana has actually confirmed that she’s expecting.

It all started when Bri posted a video of herself working out at a gym near her native Orlando.

“Everyone watch my journey as I try to get fit,” she captioned the post.

Because we live in a time when even the most innocuous posts can cause trolls to come out of the woodwork, Bri was immediately subjected to harsh criticism from some very angry haters.

Recently, Briana underwent plastic surgery and it seems some of her followers believe she should have begun her fitness journey before having her figure surgically re-sculpted.

“Could have done that from the beginning,” wrote one such shade-thrower.

Another suggested that DeJesus shouldn’t waste her time, as she’s likely to be knocked up again in the near future:

“What’s the point, you will be [pregnant] next week,” wrote one fan.

And it’s Briana’s response to that particular comment that has many fans convinced there’s a big announcement on the way.

“Pregnant chicks can still workout!” DeJesus wrote.

Not exactly a solid confirmation, but that’s all it takes to get the TM2 crowd worked up about a possible bun in the oven.

But we should caution you not to get too excited.

Bri has been silent on the subject since, and while many fans are taking that as a sign that she really is pregnant, we’re not sure that’s the case.

After all, DeJesus is known for keeping the lines of communication with her fans wide open.

If she were really expecting baby number three, it’s a safe bet that she wouldn’t be this quiet about it.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on Bri and her babies.
