Monday, April 9, 2018

Khloe Kardashian to Unborn Baby: Arrive Already! SHEESH!

Khloe Kardashian is getting anxious.

She’s getting ornery.

In short, she’s getting sick of literally waiting around for motherhood.

The reality star took to Snapchat over the weekend and made it clear that she isn’t just ready for motherhood…

… she’s ready for motherhood RIGHT AT THIS VERY MINUTE!

In a funny video shared to her social media account, Khloe rocked back and forth on a birthing ball on Saturday, clearly trying to motivate her body to speed up this whole labor process.

She then wrote as a caption to the footage that she’s “Bored AF” these days, which we do understand.

Very far along in her pregnancy, there’s not exactly much Khloe can do at the moment.

She’s constrained in her daily activities by her very large belly and she knows that she may need to rush off to the hospital any second.

That doesn’t allow for a great deal of freedom, although Khloe should try to enjoy this unique time in her life.

She can rest assured, after all, that things will soon pick up – big time!!! – one her little girl is born.

Indeed, Khloe and very serious boyfriend Tristan Thompson are expecting a daughter, hence the following caption penned by Kardashian to the photo above:

“We are ready whenever you are little mama.”

The 33-year old has spent the past few weeks posing in lingerie and showing off her baby bump on Instagram, but that can only kill so much time overall.

We’ve also heard that Khloe is staying in Cleveland, where Thompson is based, as she waits to go into labor.

(This could also explain her boredom.)

Kris Jenner is expected to be on hand for the arrival of her next grandchild, with Khloe’s siblings possibly flying in soon afterward.

“I can’t wait to meet my baby girl!” Khloe recently exclaimed on her app, adding:

“I often think about what she’ll look like and what her little personality will be like. She’ll be the perfect mix of me and Tristan — which is such a crazy thought, LOL.”

That is sort of nuts to ponder, isn’t it?

Creating a small human being who is a bit like you and a bit like the person to whom you made live in order to make this brand new life?

This has also been a crazy time as a whole for Khloe and her sisters.

To kick off the year, Kim Kardashian welcomed a third child via surrogate and named her Chicago.

Then, Kylie Jenner welcomed her first child about a month later and named her Stormi.

So the pressure is on Khloe to come up with a name even more unusual than that of these nieces, which may prove to be an impossible task.

Will she even try to do so?

Or will she and Tristan go for something a little more mainstream?

We’ll find out soon, folks!
