Thursday, April 12, 2018

Donald Trump May Have a Love Child Out There

According to a bombshell new report, Tiffany Trump may no longer be her father’s most ignored child.

Indeed, Ronan Farrow writes in The New Yorker that Donald Trump has been accused of having an affair back in the 1980s with a Trump Organization employee…

… that resulted in the creation of a baby!

Trump, of course, has been in the news of late for allegedly sleeping with at least two women (Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal) while married to Melania Trump.

The Commander-in-Chief sleeping around is not exactly news at this point.

But The New Yorker and Associated Press allege something very different.

On Thursday morning, both outlets wrote about Dino Sajudin, a doorman at Trump Tower in the 1980s who approached a reporter with American Media, Inc. in 2015, about five months before Trump announced his Presidential run.

Among other publications, American Media, Inc. owns The National Enquirer.

Sajudin told American Media that he heard through the grapevine (via multiple high-level Trump employees) that Trump impregnated an unnamed woman many years ago.

To be clear, Sajudin did NOT say he had first-hand knowledge of this scandal.

However, Sajudin was paid $ 500 by The National Enquirer to sit down for a polygraph, which insiders say he passed.

He was then paid an additional $ 29,500 by the tabloid, for a total of $ 30,000.

In exchange for this sum of money, Sajudin was reportedly prohibited from telling his love child story to any other publication.

The Enquirer, in turn, decided NOT to publish Sajudin’s account, which is a practice that has become known as “catch and kill.”

In this kind of scenario, an organization “catches” an alleged misdeed and then pays off the source behind it in order to “kill” the story before it reaches the public.

McDougal has claimed she was the victim of a similar scenario.

Catching and killing a story is not illegal.

There’s nothing inherently sinister about a newspaper paying for information and then choosing not to publish it, especially if its own investigation determines this information was false.

And this is what National Enquirer Dylan Howard now claims, telling Radar Online that it never ran Sajudin’s account because it simply deemed it to be untrue.

Says Howard:

“When we realized we would be unable to publish, and other media outlets approached the source about his tale, we released Sajudin from the exclusivity clause that had accompanied his $ 30,000 payment, freeing him to tell his story to whomever he wanted.”

(For the record, no proof of this release exists at the moment.)

Farrow, however, writes in The New Yorker that he has met the woman who supposedly fathered Trump’s child, along with the now-adult child himself.

Neither of their identities have been released to the public.

Truth be sadly told, many voters likely would not even care even if this story did prove to be true.

It would mean Trump cheated on then-wife Ivana in the 1980s… but we already know he cheated on her!

He eventually married Marla Maples, one of his mistresses at that time.

It would also mean Trump fathered a kid out of wedlock and has kept that a secret for decades.

But the larger issue at play here is whether or not American Media has made it an ongoing practice to catch sordid Donald Trump allegations and then kill them before they see the light of day.

The President and a major publishing company working together to keep the former’s unethical doings quiet would be quite the scandal…

… right?


Who the heck even knows these days.
