Sunday, April 15, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Khloe Needs to Dump Tristan Thompson NOW!

Remember just a couple of weeks ago when everyone was so happy for Khloe Kardashian to have her baby and start the precious, perfect little family she always dreamed of?

That didn’t work out so well, huh?

Of course, Khloe did have her baby, and though we haven’t seen any photos yet, we’re sure she’s absolutely darling.

But that precious, perfect little family party of the fantasy … well, it’s not so much a thing anymore.

Just before Khloe gave birth — this possibly even caused Khloe to go into labor — the whole entire world found out that Tristan Thompson had been cheating on her for months, at least.

There’s a video of Tristan hooking up with two women at a club in Washington D.C. that was filmed in October, when she was already three months pregnant.

Another video showed him getting friendly with a woman at a club in Manhattan just last weekend.

If there was any doubt — there isn’t any, really, but if there was — then it’s worth mentioning that by looking at the schedule for the Cleveland Cavaliers, you can see that he was definitely in those cities when the footage was filmed.

And as the days go on, it’s looking more and more like these weren’t the only two times he stepped out on her.

There have been many, many reports about this whole sad situation. We’ve heard that Tristan refuses to admit that he cheated, and that Khloe’s already forgiven him anyway.

But now we have a new report — one that claims that if she doesn’t dump him soon, her family is going to be furious.

As a source close to the family tells Hollywood Life, “Khloe’s family wants to support her the best they can, but it will be a serious issue if she gives in and takes Tristan back.”

“Now that Khloe has had the baby, her family is being more vocal about what needs to happen as far as her and Tristan.”

The source adds that Kim especially “has warned her that under no circumstances should she ever take back this cheater!”

Unfortunately, that may be easier said than done, because as the insider explains, “Tristan is a master manipulator. They were all taken in by him.”

“Khloe’s very vulnerable right now and this is the father of her child. There’s a deep connection there.”

Her entire family is apparently telling her that “she deserves better than this,” but still, it’s a difficult situation.

“They’re holding their breath and praying she will stay strong and kick him to the curb for good.”

But according to another source, Khloe’s family doesn’t have too much to worry about, because for her, “cheating is an absolute deal breaker.”

“He had so many options except the ones he took,” this source claims. “Tristan would have been fine if he went to a strip club.”

“She would have accepted it if he needed his jollies with friends because unlike a brothel like what Lamar did, or actually hooking up with girls, at least there is some sort of control and rules in a strip club.”

And if this whole situation wasn’t pitiful enough, this insider also says that “The fact that he cheated on her in front of the world is absolutely heartbreaking and embarrassing and she will never get over it.”

We’ve said it before, and we’ll probably say it a million more times before this scandal settles down: poor, poor Khloe.
