Thursday, April 26, 2018

Kim Kardashian on Instagram: Check Out My Vagina!

At this point, Kim Kardashian nude photos are a bit like new episodes of Law & Order.

They’re still enjoyable enough, but we’ve seen so many of them over the years that they’re not the sort of thing you get super excited about anymore.

But over the past few days, Kim has taken her nudity in an interesting new direction.

Yes, while her husband is melting down on Twitter, Mrs. Kardashian-West has taken a much more crowd-pleasing approach to capturing the internet’s attention.

Is she showing a lot of skin again?

Of course! But this time she’s focusing on patches of skin we haven’t seen very much recently.

As you can see, Kim’s vagina has been on display this week, and it’s all to promote her new line of fragrances:

Like we said, these aren’t the usual T & A selfies we’re accustomed to.

In fact, you’d have to go all the way back to the Ray J sex tape to see Kim from some of these angles.

You might not think that an extreme crotch close-up would be a good idea for marketing a fragrance, but Kim has proven time and again that she understands what makes the public tick more than a million Don Drapers.

And when it comes to shilling her new perfume, Kim has clearly decided that avant-garde nakedness is the way to go.

Considering that pic racked 1.4 million likes in less than 24 hours, we assume it’s working.

But Kim’s not stopping at photos of her hairless vadge.

No, she’s inviting fans to multi-sensory experience of her naked form.

You see, when you buy Kim’s fragrance, you’re also buying a piece of her, as the bottle is shaped like her body.

As you can see in the pic above, she even had a mold of her famous figure made for the risqué packaging.

Like anyone on the planet doesn’t know what Kim Kardashian’s naked body looks like at this point!

The woman’s Instagram page is more graphic than the gnarliest episode of SVU.
