Sunday, April 15, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: Is She Traumatizing Her Daughter?!

If you keep up with Teen Mom, then you know that a whole lot of people have a whole lot of feelings about Catelynn Lowell these days.

And most of them are not good.

As we"ve been seeing in the past few episodes of the show, Catelynn began having some suicidal thoughts after suffering a miscarriage, and so she went off for six weeks of treatment at a facility in Arizona.

When she was done, she came home for a bit, then left for another six weeks of treatment at the same rehab.

A lot of people are having a hard time sympathizing with that last part.

On the season finale, we saw her return home to Tyler and their daughter, Nova, and lots of viewers thought she seemed a little distant even then.

Nova told her "thank you for coming back," and instead of comforting and reassuring her, Catelynn simply said "you"re welcome" — strike one.

According to several fans, it didn"t look like she gave being at home a chance before telling Tyler that she was experiencing some anxiety again and that she needed to go back to treatment.

He tried to suggest outpatient treatment, and her treatment center itself suggested the same, but she assured them that she knew best, and that outpatient treatment wouldn"t cut it — strike two.

Then, instead of explaining all of this to Nova, she told her on the way to daycare that she wouldn"t be picking her up that day.

Nova had a meltdown, begging Cate to let her stay home, and viewers assumed that was because she was terrified her mother would leave again — strike three.

The baseball analogy stops working here though, because there are a few more strikes, one being when Catelynn seemed to get more emotional about leaving her dogs than she did about leaving her kid.

The big one was during Tyler"s conversation about the whole thing with his sister. He told her that Catelynn"s behavior was beginning to remind him of their father"s — you know, the father that did crack and spent much of Tyler"s childhood in prison.

Tyler said that he told her that going back to inpatient treatment might be best for her, but trying to do therapy and staying at home would be best for Nova.

According to him, her response was "she"ll manage."

So now Cate has gone from being the sweetheart of the show to nearly the most hated cast member, which is saying a lot when you think about the show"s other cast members.

But in this new sneak peek from Monday night"s reunion show, it looks like Catelynn"s biggest critic is herself.

The clip begins with Catelynn crying to Dr. Drew. He asks if she"s OK, and she says that she "will be in a second."

"I think I know what got you," he tells her — it sounds like they were watching a clip from the season that made her cry.

He thinks it was something about Nova that got her upset, and she agrees, so he asks what is it about her daughter that made her cry.

"When I was in treatment," she explains, "I struggled with the fact of like … you know, am I putting her through the same stuff my parents put me through, just traumatizing her, or … yeah."

She starts crying again, and Dr. Drew tells her that they"re different situations.

"I"ve learned that," she replies, "but it still scares me."

"Can I frame this for you?" Drew asks before telling her "The pain you"re feeling is not your daughter"s, it"s yours."

Pretty heavy stuff, huh?

He explains to her that "I understand you"re afraid it"s hers, and that she of course has her own feelings about mommy being away, but the deep pain you"re feeling is your pain, not hers."

Regardless of what you think about Catelynn"s multiple trips to rehab, this is heartbreaking, right?

We know that her father moved across the country when she was young, and she was left with her mother who brought a series of terrible boyfriends home.

She"s been open about how abusive some of those boyfriends have been — she claimed that one even choked her when she was just 14.

On top of that, we"ve seen her mother be incredibly abusive to her, calling her names and letting Butch belittle her to the point where she felt the need to move away from them and into Tyler"s home.

Catelynn"s been through a whole, whole lot of terrible things, and while it"s obviously hard on Nova to have her mom gone, the two situations just aren"t remotely similar.

Watch the heartbreaking clip of Catelynn below:

Catelynn lowell is she traumatizing her daughter