Monday, May 7, 2018

Wendy Williams to Khloe Kardashian: God, You"re Pathetic!

You won’t believe this, but Wendy Williams has something negative to say about the Kardashians.

We know, right?

Who would have seen this coming from a talk show host who just slammed Kim Kardashin for standing by Kanye West and Kylie Jenner for having a baby at age 20?!?

In her latest example of being an awful person who just goes around insulting celebrities left and right, Williams set her sights on Khloe Kardashian.

She specifically responded to reports that Khloe was willing to give cheating boyfriend Tristan Thompson a second chance, a rumor evidenced by the fact that Khloe showed up at Thompson’s basketball game on Saturday.

Williams has some strong feelings about this decision.

“They were spotted having a miserable lunch Friday with friends,” Williams said on air Monday, referring to a date Thompson and Kardashian went on last week.

(We have no idea why she has labeled it as “miserable.”)

“If you’re really trying to repair – because they’re at a critical point with the new baby, the cheatations, him making out with girls and being disrespectful – they’re at a critical point if they’re trying to make this work,” she added.

Williams went on to then analyze the outing as only she can.

“Why’d you bring a friend? That’s number one,” she said of Kardashian and Thompson daring to dine alongside someone else, continuing:

“Your lunch should have been the two of you alone.

“So, what was this? To me, this is Khloe trying to save face and get out there… I think this is a Khloe thing, this is a Kardashian move right here and it’s really quite pathetic.”

Ah yes, the old Kardashian move of…

… my baby daddy cheated on me in public while I was pregnant and I’m gonna stay with him to prove that I’m very weak and afraid to be alone.

Classic Kardashian all the way, right?

For the record, we would kick Thompson’s ass to the curb if we were Khloe.

But if really does decide to stay with him?

Who the heck are we to judge?!? Maybe this is better for her daughter in the long run.

“The wedding special will be coming up,” Wendy then predicted, continuing to mock Khloeand her family:

“Will they really be getting married or will that be a fake wedding? You know what I mean? Just something to keep Khloe out there and Khloe likes the attention as well.

Concluded Williams in her overly cruel rant:

“Will they have a reality show where the two of them, these parents with crazy careers. I don’t care about Tristan and Khloe.”

Hmmm… you could fool us then, Wendy.

It sounds like you care a great deal about these two, enough to ramble and rant and be really mean for no reason aside from gaining your own attention.

We don’t love the Kardashians, either, but we REALLY don’t love Wendy Williams.

She sucks.
