Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Katie Hopkins: ROASTED on Twitter After Dissing Meghan Markle!

Fans all over the world watched Prince Harry and Meghan Markle exchange vows.

But after the Royal Wedding came the Royal Wedding dress debate — with fans wondering who wore it better.

Political hack Katie Hopkins weighed in, saying that it was no contest … because Duchess Kate had, in her opinion, a degree of "class" that Duchess Meghan does not possess.

That"s not a suprising comment from Katie, given that MegMar is biracial and Katie seems to spend a great deal of her waking hours focused on an apparent hatred for brown people.

Naturally, Twitter enjoyed ridiculing Katie Hopkins for her comments, and made something of a meme out of pointing out that Katie looks terrible for her age.

Now, there"s a big of moral complication any time that you insult someone"s appearance.

Ridicule Trump for his appearance instead of his words and deeds, and an innocent Jersey Shore denizen might feel self-conscious for being orange.

But we think that some of these epic burns are worth reading.

And Katie Hopkins, of all people, truly deserves to be roasted. Check out the tweets below and you"ll see that for yourself.

1. Katie Hopkins cannot resist stirring the pot

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She’s awful every day of the week, but we wonder if she wishes that she’d taken the Royal Wedding off

1. Meghan Markle looked gorgeous

Meghan markle wedding close up

We know that beauty is “subjective” or whatever, but she is stunningly beautiful, and she looked absolutely stunning for the Royal Wedding. Except, apparently, to Katie Hopkins …

2. The tweet replies began …

Katie hopkins twitter shaming 02 43 going on

As you’re about to be made very well aware, Katie Hopkins does not look like your average 43-year-old.

3. It really WAS a fairytale wedding

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Honestly, this comparison is very unfair to the Evil Queen.

4. Here’s one possible explanation

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Like we said, shaming a person’s appearance is complicated, even when they’re a despicable human being. But some really do believe that being bigoted and hateful ages a person.

5. She’s compared to Gabrielle Union

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Gabrielle really is 45 years old. Katie Hopkins is 43.

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