Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Becca Kufrin Seeks Revenge in First Bachelorette Promo

She who forgets the past is destined to repeat it, right?

This is a lesson Becca Kufrin appears to have taken to heart.

As reality TV fans know all too well, Becca was humiliated a few months ago by Arie Luyendyk Jr.

First, she was selected as his bride-to-be, in a proposal that actually opens the following preview for this new season of The Bachelorette.

Then, she was dumped in front of ABC cameras after Arie decided he"d rather be with Lauren Burnham instead.

Now, Arie and Lauren are engaged and planning their wedding… while Becca is planning her revenge.

Sort of.

In the promo below, Kufrin takes the giant red heart on which footage of Arie"s proposal is playing and rips it in half with a defiant head tilt. 

She"s ready to move on, clearly.

She"s ready to be the person in control, choosing her own husband from a group of 25 suitors.

Based on a handful of already-leaked The Bachelorette spoilers, we actually know who the final husband contenders will be.

But we don"t ruin that surprise just yet.

In this teaser, Becca sort of dances around and poses to Kesha"s "Woman," as the words, "independent woman" flash onto the screen.

"Let"s do the damn thing," Kufrin says in what has sort of become her tagline.

She also said the following to Chris Harrison in March, about getting dissed by Arie in front of millions and then about being chosen as The Bachelorette:

"Once I got past the initial heartbreak, at the end of the day the show is about finding love. I have so much love to give, so hard yes [to being The Bachelorette] all around."

We"re rooting for Becca.

She has handled this ordeal about as well as could possibly be expected.

Check out the men from whom she has to has to find a mate…

… and then check out this preview:

Becca kufrin seeks revenge in first bachelorette promo