Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kylie Jenner: THIS Is Why I Named Her Stormi

Makeup mogul Kylie Jenner is busy being a mother to a three-month old … when she and Travis aren’t sharing photos of their topless PDA.

Now, Kylie is dishing all about what it’s like to be a mother, what she hopes for in the future, and why exactly she named her daughter Stormi.

And no, she did not name her baby after Stormy Daniels.

In Kylie’s interview for Evening Standard Magazine, conducted by none other than big sis Kim Kardashian, the 20-year-old mother gushes about new motherhood.

“It’s just been so amazing, and so much fun.”

She says that it’s really making her see herself in a new light.

“I’m learning so much more about myself and life, and it’s been such a great experience.”

That said, even as a parent with virtually unlimited resources and a huge family support network, Kylie says that it’s not all perfect.

“Of course, there’s hard times and stuff … even in the beginning, just not sleeping, the nights, like, baby blues … and all the ups and downs.”

Parenthood is complicated. Especially when you’re 20.

Kylie says that the hardest thing now is being apart from Stormi.

“And, it was so hard to leave this morning.”

Anyone with pets, especially dogs, can tell you that this is super relatable. And if you’ve listened to Stormi’s adorable giggles, you can understand.

“I’m like, ‘I’ll be right back, I’m so sorry, I have to leave!’ and she doesn’t even know what’s going on.”

If she hasn’t already (Stormi might be precocious, folks), 3-month-old Stormi will likely develop a sense of object permanence in the next few months.

It may take her longer to be able to understand why her mother, who is her entire world, sometimes has to leave her.

“I think about her all the time, anywhere I am.”

Again, people with dogs and cats can relate. Also certain Britney Spears fans.

“I can’t wait till she can come everywhere with me, because right when she’s old enough I’ll bring her everywhere.”

Then Kylie gets into Stormi’s name. She says that it started as a shorter version.

“I really don’t know how we thought of ‘Storm."”

Well, storms are beautiful and inspirational. Storm is also the name a prominent member of the X-Men.

“Her dad insisted it was him, but I feel like it was me. And that kind of just stuck with us.”

It’s kind of wild that they aren’t sure who came up with that. Most parents have very detailed stories of how they thought of baby names.

“And then I didn’t really like just Storm — I didn’t feel like that was her name. So then it became Stormi.”

Not everyone would see “Stormi’ as a logical jump from “Storm,” but okay.

“And it just stuck. I feel like there were a lot of other names that I might have even liked better to be honest, but I feel like Stormi picked her own name, like it was just her name..”


Kylie talks about her hopes for her baby’s future.

“She’s going to have her own challenges. I just hope that she’s strong and independent and confident.”

Those are good things for her to be.

“I think more about the future because of her. Every time I leave and I’m stressed about leaving her, I’m like, ‘I’m doing it for you.’”

That is so sweet.

“Everyone says you change completely when you become a mom, but I really feel the same, just better.”

And she says that life has changed similarly.

“So I don’t know what really has completely changed my world, besides her, of course. But I feel like it’s only gotten better.”

For those who imagine that a woman of Kylie’s means never has to change a diaper, think again. But it’s a choice, apparently.

“You’re less selfish — and I actually enjoy changing diapers. It’s really satisfying. To make her clean again.”

That’s a little weird, but so is being a parent.

“And I don’t know, the whole thing is really… it’s like such an amazing experience.”
