Thursday, May 10, 2018

Katy Perry to Taylor Swift: WTH? We"re in a Feud Again!

As it turns out, peace in the Middle East may be easier to achieve than peace between Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.

Earlier this week, the celebrity gossip world was stunned to discover that Perry had reached out to Swift on the day of her Reputation Tour kick-off in order to extend an olive branch.

We mean this literally.

According to an Instagram video shared by Swift, Perry sent her long-time foe an actual olive branch, along with a note.

The items were filmed by Swift inside her dressing room, with the artist giving followers a look at just a snippet of Perry’s message.

“Hey Old Friend – I’ve been doing some reflecting on past miscommunications and hurt feelings between us,” it opens, with other recognizable pieces including how Perry is “deeply sorry” and wants to “clear the air.”

FINALLY, right?

This feud between two of the most successful solo artists in recent music history was ignited over five years ago.

While never totally and/or completely confirmed by either side, it appears to stem from Swift’s belief that Perry stole a couple backup singers from her back in the day.

The one time Swift did open up about the rivalry, she did not call out Perry by name.

But she did explain that tension centered around “business” and that another singer did something “horrible” that involved trying to “sabotage” an entire tour.

Perry, meanwhile, has gone on record as saying Swift attempted to “assassinate my character.”

It’s been an entertaining, passive aggressive back-and-forth that we’re sad to see come to an end…

… except The Daily Mail now says the rivalry isn’t actually over!

An insider tells the British newspaper that a new issue has arisen, and it’s hilariously connected directly to Perry’s aforementioned mea culpa.

Katy expected that Taylor would post something about it, but she didn’t expect the actual letter to go on social,” says this source, alleging that Perry is peeved that Swift went so public with the note and olive branch.


Because, based on what we can see in Taylor’s Instagram footage, it makes it appear as if Perry is taking all the blame and is acknowledging that the whole beef was her fault.

Adds this individual:

“The thing is, you can only see part of what Katy wrote and it looks like she’s taking sole responsibility for the entire feud.

“Without context, it looks like she’s taking the blame for everything and obviously there’s a lot more to it than that.”

This is so great. We really hope this report is true.

We really hope Perry’s attempts to make peace with Swift actually had the opposite effect and now things are worse than ever.

It would just be hilarious, right?

We’re not gonna take a side here, but Katy has clearly been the one trying for awhile now to calm everything down.

“I am ready to let it go,” she said on The Thrive Global Podcast last year, adding:

“I forgive her and I’m sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her … I love her, and I want the best for her. And I think she’s a fantastic songwriter.”
