Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Will She Be Fired By MTV For Latest Gun Incident?

Earlier today, we reported on the shocking news that Jenelle Evans pulled a gun on another driver during a road rage incident that was apparently caught on camera.

Now, it looks as though Jenelle’s time on the show that made her famour may have finally come to an end.

For years, rumors about Jenelle getting fired have surfaced at the rate of about one per week.

This time, however, there’s real reason to believe that MTV and Teen Mom 2 producers will finally kick the Carolina Hurricane to the curb.

In case you missed it, police records indicate that some guy cut Jenelle off, and – as she’s wont to do – the troubled mother of three absolutely flipped out.

“Suspect [Jenelle] hit two vehicles in the yard and then she pulled a 10-84/G [suspect has a gun],” reads a report of the incident.

A witness told officers that Jenelle “hit his truck, ran over his mailbox and pulled a gun on him.” 

Naturally, Jenelle has her own version of events.

She claims that the other driver “purposely slammed on the brakes,” and she was only trying to protect her son when she … sped down the highway in hot pursuit.

Unfortunately for Jenelle, it seems the whole thing was documented by a TM2 film crew, which means she might soon be out of a job.

“The whole thing was definitely filmed,” a production source tells The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

“It was all filmed on GoPro cameras. There was a full crew was there.”

The insider adds that MTV execs are “furious” about the incident and are currently discussing Jenelle’s future with the network.

“The higher-ups–and not the show higher-ups but the network execs– have the footage and are figuring out what to do with it,” the source said.

“They’re extremely upset by what they’re seeing.”

The incident is particularly troubling as taping for the TM2 reunion show is just a few weeks away, and Jenelle was involved in a controversy surrounding a weapon during last year’s reunion.

You may recall that Evans’ husband, David Eason, drunkenly stabbed some balloons with a knife during a cast party.

Eason has since been fired from the show, and it’s looking more and more like Jenelle will be next.

“This latest gun-pulling incident has a lot of people– cast and crew– freaked out since the reunion is coming up in a few weeks,” the source says.

“Because of David pulling a knife, everyone now has to go through metal detectors before entering the soundstage, but there’s still a concern that Jenelle could bring a weapon to set.”

One informant says that MTV bigwigs are concerned that if they Jenelle engages in any further violent activity, they might be blamed for enabling her by bringing her back to the show season after season.

“A lot of the cast and crew are feeling angry at the show’s producers for allowing it to get to this point,” another source told The Ashley.

“They wanted the drama, and now it’s too big for them to handle.”

Needless to say, lots of people would be very surprised if Jenelle is back for another season on MTV.

It might be a good time for her to complete that nursing degree she’s always talking about.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Jenelle’s decade of atrocious behavior.
