Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Amber Portwood Welcomes Son with Andrew Glennon: Can Their Relationship Last?

Amber Portwood is now a mother of two!

Early this morning, she gave birth to James Andrew Glennon, her second child and her first with Andrew Glennon.

But while the baby news is very exciting, we"re still super intrigued by her relationship with Andrew.

And that"s for many, many reasons …

1. Awkward

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

First off, let’s get this out of the way: Amber and Andrew just welcomed a child together, but they’ve known each other for less than a year.

2. Yikes

Amber portwood and matt baier on marriage boot camp

And we know, we know, sometimes you fall in love quick or forget how to use birth control or whatever, but they met when Amber was filming Marriage Boot Camp with Matt Baier. Like, they met when Amber was making that face in the photo above.

3. What a Gem!

Amber portwood cant chill

Andrew was working behind the scenes on the show, and he’s said that he developed a crush on Amber while filming her. Which, if you’ve seen any bit of footage at all from Amber’s season of Marriage Boot Camp, you know is literally insane.

4. Falling in Love

Amber portwood gets angry

Amber was the HOTTEST mess on Marriage Boot Camp. Constantly yelling and screaming and arguing and just generally being difficult. It’s hard to imagine that Andrew could have been watching that and thought “yeah, I’d like to get to know that lady better,” but apparently that’s what happened.

5. Weaseling In

Andrew glennon selfie

So after filming wrapped, Amber went back to Indiana and Andrew stayed in L.A., but, wouldn’t you know it, he creeped her on Twitter and they started talking. After a few weeks, she invited him out for a visit, and he never left. He literally never left.

6. Not a Great Start

Matt baier reacts

If you’re thinking that story sounds familiar, that’s because it does: Matt Baier also contacted Amber on Twitter, and after visiting her once, he pretty much set up shop in her house. But Andrew was different, because reasons Amber made up to justify repeating the same dumb mistakes.

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