Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Bachelorette 2018 Preview: Love! Tears! Pathological Liars!

"I"m falling in love with you."

More than one person on The Bachelorette Season 14 can be heard uttering this phrase in the epic trailer airing after Monday"s premiere.

We may know how Becca"s season ends, thanks to The Bachelorette spoilers, but man alive, it"s going to be a wild ride getting there.

You don"t need Bachelorette spoilers to tell you that hardcore making out, exotic vacations and massive amounts of drama lie ahead.

Just because you know it"s coming doesn"t make it any less entertaining, though. Nor does it make Becca less beautiful to gaze upon.

Judging by this four-minute super-tease, the men are bringing their A-games and then some as they seek to sweep Ms. Kufrin off her feet.

(Let"s just hope she doesn"t read Garrett Yrigoyen"s social media pages, and that the rumors of him hollering at Tia Booth aren"t true.)

Anyway, the Midwestern beauty is "beyond happy" to be The Bachelorette, she tells us, adding that she"s "glowing from the inside out."

How long will that last?

Not that long, apparently.

"What am I doing?" Kufrin sobs, on a hotel bed, teasing fans with this shocking claim: "Like, he literally just did what Arie did to me."

Arie Luyendyk, Jr., of course, proposed to Becca on the finale of The Bachelor, only to dump her shortly after in a raw, uncut scene.

Yeah. It was that bad.

While we don"t anticipate an exact repeat of that ridiculousness, there is talk of Lincoln being a "pathological liar" and/or a "manipulator."

Moreover, Jordan is accused of being there (wait … wait for it … ) for the wrong reasons, i.e. to further his modeling career.

"It’s funny you think I’m a joke, because attached to me is professionality is my face," Jordan warns his cohorts … incoherently.

Controversial Colton Underwood, meanwhile, is this season"s Ashley Iaconetti, supposedly. We"re saying that he"s never boned before.

Like for reals. Not even once.

Some of the other guys aren"t buying his virginal status, but that"s not the only questionable thing about the contestants" antics.

Evidently, Becca gets burned by somebody, and she sets out to rid the field of any remaining liars so this doesn"t happen again.

Who was the guilty party?

“I’m so pissed because I’m only asking for honesty from you guys, that’s all I want," says Becca in a heartfelt scene in the trailer.

"And to not get that I feel so disrespected and so upset with him. And it scares me. But if anyone else can’t be honest with me?"

"From here on out I don’t want you here."

There you have that. Don"t mess with this girl"s heart. As for the ambulance and someone being wheeled out on a stretcher?

No idea what the hell went on there, but Chris Harrison has teased the most ridiculous fight in series history, so there"s that.

And finally, the coup de grace:

Becca is in love with two men!

“Really the most tragic part of this is I’m in love with two guys," Becca admits "I don"t think anything can prepare you for this."

Nothing can. Nothing except 22 previous seasons of The Bachelor and 13 iterations of The Bachelorette when this occurred.

You can"t blame her, though.

The 28-year-old explained that the point is to find love, and with dozens of men pining for you, it can be hard to pick just one.

"I did develop really strong feelings for a couple of them and I did fall for two guys at the end, yes," she said earlier this month.

"Until you"re in this position, you don"t realize how much pressure there really is, and how difficult it is to navigate certain relationships."

"Because if you"re doing it right, you should be developing feelings for multiple people to really sift through every [one]."

Well, when you put it that way.

No matter who she picks, it should be a step up from Arie. Just saying. Check out the dramatic season preview below …

The bachelorette 2018 preview love tears pathological liars