Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Chelsea Houska Flaunts Baby Bump, Shades Co-Stars

There was a time when the shows that comprise the Teen Mom franchise were almost entirely on the struggles of young women dealing the after-effects of unplanned pregnancies (as one might expect from the title).

These days, however, producers have realized that the real ratings are in feuds and interpersonal drama among the cast than in the day-to-day struggles of Middle American — and there’s one longtime star who’s fed up with it.

Yes, Chelsea Houska is out to make Teen Mom great again, and she’s doing so by refusing to participate in the drama and instead focusing on what built the franchise in the first place — making babies.

Chelsea is currently pregnant with her third child, and she’s been flaunting her burgeoning baby bump on social media.

As you can see, she has a taste for humorous graphic tees.

The one above is pretty innocuous, merely Chelsea making a semi-self-deprecating joke at the 25-week mark of her pregnancy.

But it seems Chelsea recently sent a message with a much more scathing t-shirt slogan just last week.

As you may have heard, Chelsea ditched taping on the most recent Teen Mom 2 reunion show well ahead of schedule.

The reason, of course, was that her castmates were being their usual ridiculous selves, fighting, sniping at each other, and generally just making life more difficult on themselves and one another.

So Chelsea participated on Saturday but refused to return to the set on Sunday.

But before she left she sent a powerful message.

Sources on set say Chelsea and her husband, Cole DeBoer, wore shirts reading “Drama Is For Nerds.”

They also handed out the custom tees to their castmates as a not-so-subtle sign that it’s time to grow up and leave the drama in the past.

And that’s not the first time that Chelsea has expressed her displeasure with the show’s current direction.

During a recent episode, fans on Twitter complained that Chelsea doesn’t appear on the show nearly as often as her more short-tempered co-stars.

Surprisingly, Chelsea responded that she’s unhappy about the situation, as well.

“I’m almost positive that I’m barely in the next one too lol didn’t you know teen mom 2 isn’t actually even about being a mom anymore?!” she tweeted.

One fan tweeted, “What is happening to the show, it’s all about drama now. I miss it being about the moms story and kids.”

Chelsea, who usually isn’t critical of the show or its producers, stunned fans by tweeting simply, “Same!”

So Mrs. Houska-DeBoer’s feelings are now quite clear — but it remains to be seen if producers will take action.
