Friday, May 11, 2018

Kate and Jon Gosselin: Yup, They STILL Hate Each Other!

According to an old adage, time heals all wounds.

According to Kate Gosselin and Jon Gosselin, however, well…

… the other person just sucks so very much that the wounds of their failed marriage and their doomed relationship will only grow worse and worse as time goes on.

The ex-couple got divorced WAY back in 2009, yet going their separate ways did little to each the tension between these parents of eight.

As recently as this past November, we documented how the stage may be set for an explosive custody battle between the D-Listers, just a few months after they engaged in a very ugly actual fight.

In August of 2017, Kate and Jon got into a heated argument over who would drive their daughter home from the orthodontist, with poor Hannah literally stuck in between.

At the time, In Touch Weekly wrote that the teenager “screamed, sobbed, and violently resisted” while Kate grabbed a hold of her arm and tried to force her out of the vehicle.

How awful, right?

And how confusing and disturbing, right?

That two people who were once married and in love and who now must serve as co-parents can STILL get into this sort serious tiff all these years later?

On the occasion of their sextuplets turning 14 on Thursday, both Jon and Kate wished their kids a happy birthday.

But an insider told Entertainment Tonight that Jon and Kate are “still at odds,” nearly a decade after their legal break-up.

“They will never agree about how to raise the children,” the source explains, adding that the pair “absolutely despise one another and can’t stand to even be in the same room.”

As a result, the ex-spouses won’t be celebrating Collin, Hannah, Joel, Alexis, Leah and Aaden’s birthday together – but they each acknowledged the milestone on Instagram.

“Happy 14th Birthday to Hannah, Leah, Alexis, Joel, Aaden and Collin!!! I can’t believe it’s been this long!!!” wrote Jon, adding:

“Whew that when fast!!! Daddy loves you all very much!!!”

Not according to his twins, Jon doesn’t.

But anyway…

14 image

Kate, who will soon start dating in front of reality TV cameras, shared the above birthday cake photo.

She included with it a lengthy caption that reads:

Happy 14th Birthday, my ‘babies’. 14 years ago almost to the minute, I was in my wheelchair, making my way around the ENTIRE NICU, meeting each of you face to face for the very first time.

I’ll never forget how tiny yet perfect each of you were.

Alexis’s blonde hair, Aaden’s teeny tiny face, with alert awake eyes that didn’t miss a thing, Hannah and her adorable ‘human doll’ face, Collin looked SO big and strong at 3 entire pounds (the biggest!), Leah had the most beautiful head of dark soft hair and Joel— literally just slept peacefully like he was at the beach in the sun!

I’ll never forget our first ‘birth day’ together……this day remains one of the best in my life…. and 14 years later, I love you 400 times as much, if that’s even possible!

Happy birthday, my babies! Here’s to many more birthdays together!! I love you forever and always, no matter what!

It really is an awful shame that Kate and Jon cannot be remotely amicable in front of their kids.

How hard would it be to put on fake smiles and co-host a birthday party for their teenages, right?

Very hard, apparently.

The best we can hope for at this point is that each keeps his or her feelings to him or herself when around the children and doesn’t actually bad mouth Mom or Dad when alone with the children.

But knowing Kate and Jon as we sort of do, this seems like too much to ask for.
