Friday, May 25, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Stop Talking About Meghan Markle and TALK ABOUT ME!!!

Hasn’t it been such a delight these past few weeks to hear all about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and their eternal love?!

Of course it has.

Royal weddings don’t happen every day, and royal weddings featuring the higher-up royals that most people are actually familiar with are even more rare.

It’s just been so nice to gush about the wedding when pretty much everything else in the world is a big ol’ dumpster fire, you know?

To watch the wedding ceremony, to listen to Harry and Meghan’s vows, to see their adorable faces when they were looking at each other, all in love and excited.

To get all the details on her lovely dress and the reception and every single thing that happened before, during, and after the wedding.

There have been so many things to talk about, and we’re still not done yet, not by a long shot.

And according to this new report, that is really, really upsetting for poor Kim Kardashian.

You may be wondering what the royal wedding could possibly have to do with Kim, and how she could be reacting so negatively to the coverage of it.

But you have to consider the fact that if everyone is talking about the wedding, then no one is talking about her.

And that simply will not do.

“Kim just wants this royal wedding stuff to go away,” a source explains to Radar Online.

“She feels like all of the attention has been focused on the Royals and no one is covering anything that she is doing right now.”

A quick check of Kim’s Twitter account shows that right now, she’s promoting new highlighter palettes and restocks of her eyeshadow palette and perfume.

She’s also been making lots of tweets about Kanye — they celebrated their fourth wedding anniversary this week, and she still seems intent on distracting everyone from how bizarre his behavior has been lately.

So why aren’t people talking about her makeup and fragrances and husband?! Why do people care more about those darn royals?!

That’s the question, but Kim just doesn’t know the answer.

As the insider claims, “Kim considers herself to be much more relevant than the royals and does not understand what people’s infatuation with them is.”

It’s … well, she … the thing is … WHAT?!

How would Kim think she’s more relevant than the royal family? Because she gives more interviews? Because she’s so active on social media?

Before Meghan came around and kicked up all the engagement talk, then the wedding news and the subsequent pregnancy chatter, sure, Kim may have been discussed more in U.S. tabloids.

But to say that she’s “much more relevant” than literal royalty … girl, stop.

An estimated three billion people watched the royal wedding.

Kris Jenner can definitely work some magic, but there’s no way nothing that Kim has ever done has ever drawn in three billion people.

The Kardashian insider finally reveals that there may be one additional thing about the wedding coverage that’s got Kim feeling down.

“Kim was extremely bothered by the fact that neither her nor Kanye got an invite,” the source says. “It just didn’t make any sense to her.”

Sometimes you just have to take a breath, shake your head, and say “Bless her heart.”

This is one of those occasions.
