Thursday, May 3, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Meet His Baby Daughter!

Over the past few days, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley have been engaged in an especially ugly fight. 

The social media back-and-forth has been notable for the Jersey Shore star referring to his girlfriend as a “hoe” and “cum dumpster,” and for Harley shooting back that Ronnie is a cheater and a “coke head.”

But it’s been especially brutal for the following reason:

Harley gave birth to a daughter named Ariana Sky back on April 3…


Yes, Ortiz-Magro and Harley are parents to a baby girl, although this blessed event in their lives apparently had no effect on how they act about each other or feel about each other.

The stars have split, multiple sources say, with each side accusing the other of infidelity.

Thankfully, they are “are speaking civilly and trying to make sure Ariana has the best life possible,” an insider tells People Magazine, just one day after Harley unveiled the first photo of this precious little girl.

And here it is!

“Baby girl is 1 month old today!” wrote Harley as a caption to this image, adding in emotional detail:

“Having a daughter is such an amazing feeling , changes your whole out look on life and how you want to be as a person , I love this girl more than anything and just want to be the best mom I can be to her.”

Harley included these hashtags with the words above: #mylovemylifemyeverything #mamasgirl #angelbaby #1monthold #arianasky.

With Ronnie having moved out and with the couple at each other’s throats these days, it’s unclear how the two will go about co-parenting.

It’s unclear if Ronnie even cares to be a parent.

The impression he’s given for years is that he just wants to lift weights, drink and sleep with many women.

“They are going to have to work out the visitation stuff once the dust settles,” People Magazine also writes, claiming that Ronnie’s “heart” really is with his daughter.

He has a funny way of showing it, of course, considering Ronnie WENT OFF on Ariana’s mother after discovering she still has a sex tape that she made with an ex.

The Jersey Shore star was far from pleased when he discovered this video exists, leaving the following note on Instagram:


A short while later, Ronnie shared an exchange he had with a friend who alleged that he slept with Harley on a “taco float” many months ago.

This friend told Ronnie to walk away from Harley because she’s dishonest and she sucks.

Harley didn’t deny this charge; she just hurled it right back at Ronnie, who was basically caught cheating on Jen in front of MTV cameras last week.

There’s a lot of ugliness to digest here.

While we all shake our heads and feel badly for Ariana, relive the viral Ronnie-Jen break-up below:
