Thursday, July 26, 2018

Demi Lovato to Leave Hospital Today: Will She Head to Rehab?

It’s only been three days since Demi Lovato suffered an overdose that left her hospitalized.

Lovato has remained under doctor’s care ever since, but according to Radar Online, she’s scheduled to leave the hospital later today.

But if her family and friends have their way, Demi will head straight from one treatment facility to another.

Sources tell Radar that Demi’s loved ones are imploring her to check into rehab immediately.

Lovato reportedly concedes that she needs treatment, but is hoping to rest at home for a few days after leaving the hospital.

“She completed a detox, and will soon be out,” a hospital source tells the site.

While we know that Demi will seek treatment outside of the Los Angeles area in hopes of avoiding potential triggers, there’s no word yet on when she’ll begin the process of getting clean.

The good news is, she’s said to be fully aware that she’s back to square one in terms of her battle with addiction.

The bad news is, insiders believe that she’s not fully aware of the gravity of the situation.

In fact, they say Lovato feels the road to sobriety will be easier this time, as she’s been down this path before.

Demi reportedly began drinking and using several weeks before her overdose.

But it was one lengthy bender that constituted Lovato’s rock bottom and landed her in the emergency room.

“She had been partying for 12 straight hours and it caught up with her,” one source tells E! News.

“This was going on for a few weeks and the warning signs were there. She slipped up and thought she could handle it.”

The insider adds:

“This is obviously a huge wake-up call. Demi doesn’t want to die and she’s very grateful to be alive. She will be leaving the hospital and heading straight to rehab.

“Her family has been by her side supporting her and is getting her the help she needs.”

Just hours before she overdosed at home, Demi was spotted at the Saddle Ranch Bar in LA “taking shots with her friends,” per one source.

Questions remain about what sort of drugs Demi was using and how she was revived after the OD’ed.

For right now, however, the biggest concern among fans is that Lovato receives the care and treatment she seems to so desperately need.

Our thoughts go out to Demi and her family during this difficult time.
