Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Lamar Odom Involved In Shootout at Hooters!

Earlier this year, fans feared that Lamar Odom was headed for another health crisis.

Instead, it looks like he was caught up in a very different crisis — one that involved a gun, the police, and Hooters.

He’s okay, but this wild story could have very easily been a lot more serious.

TMZ reports that Lamar Odom’s incident involves the police being called to Hooters … which is already a lot.

So, apparently the police show up to a Hooters in Queens, New York in the wee hours of Friday, July 20.

Why? Because someone fired a gun in the parking lot.

Now, Lamar was not the guy who fired the gun.

But … he is definitely a part of this story.

According to witnesses who spoke to police, Lamar was with some friends at Hooters for whatever reason.

When they were leaving the restaurant, they apparently got into some sort of verbal altercation with another group of individuals.

At least part of this argument was reportedly captured by surveillance.

According to one of the witnesses who spoke to police, a man from the other group produced a gun. That’s when things turned serious.

Though he thankfully did not shoot anyone with it, he did what many would consider the next worse thing — he reportedly fired the gun into the air multiple times.

That group, as you can imagine, is said to have fled the scene.

Discharging a firearm in a public place isn’t just dangerous, scary, and threatening — it is also super illegal.

So the NYPD is searching for the shooter. Illegal discharge of a firearm in a public place is no joke.

However, TMZ reports that the police have not made any arrests in the case.

Considering that there are eyewitnesss and at least some surveillance footage, it is probably only a matter of time.

As for Lamar Odom, he was not injured and is also not in any trouble. He is said to have cooperated fully with investigators.

Saam Zangeneh is Odom’s attorney. He tells TMZ that Lamar is innocent in this.

“Lamar did nothing wrong and was not arrested,” Zangeneh says.

In fact, if he weren’t famous, it’s unlikely that anyone but local news would be talking about this at all.

“He’s a law abiding citizen,” Zangeneh reminds the world. “And he did his best to answer all the questions the police had for him.”

As we mentioned, it doesn’t sound like this would have ever made the news if Lamar weren’t a celebrity.

The fact that it all took place in a Hooters parking lot is entertaining — but only because no one was reportedly injured during the confrontation.

Plenty of people — most people, probably — have never even been to a Hooters and wouldn’t imagine heading to one at any time.

But for Lamar and the people with whom he was spending time, maybe it just made since if they wanted to grab something to eat late at night.

We don’t know what sparked the alleged confrontation with the other group. We may never know the subject of the argument.

But please do not bring a gun to Hooters and please do not fire that gun in the parking lot. Lamar isn’t the best guy in the world, but he doesn’t need to be around gunfire.
