Wednesday, July 25, 2018

John David Duggar and Abbie Burnett: We"re Engaged! Already!

Just one month after John David Duggar and Abbie Burnett announced to the world that they’re courting, this brand new couple has another exciting announcement to make.

Are you sitting down for it?

Are you ready?

Okay, here we go:

The twosome is engaged!!!!

The Counting On star and his bride-to-be took fans by surprise on Wednesday morning when they confirmed this existing piece of news via the official Duggar website.

“Wow! We are engaged! This feels even more real than before! It was a special moment to share together,” Duggar and Burnett said, adding in more detail:

“The proposal and the ‘YES’ really solidified that we want to spend the rest of our lives together. One of the most amazing things about following Christ is being able to trust Him to direct your path and lead your life.

“We are so thankful that He led us to one another. Now we need to start thinking about a wedding!”

Wow, huh? This sure was fast.

John David, of course, is 28 years old. So the very short period of time that has elapsed between his courtship of Burnett and his proposal does make some sense.

From the point of view of his family, that is.

Duggar is ancient by Duggar standards, meaning he’s already fallen way behind in terms of making babies and adding to the ever-growing number of children in this famous overall brood.

In late June, he and Burnett, who works as a nurse, told the world that they had fallen in love very quickly.

“It’s been a wonderful journey thus far,” John David said back then.

Since introducing Burnett to his fans and supporters, Duggar has been accusing of breaking relationship rules with her, as both halves of this couple are on social media (a Duggar family no-no) and both seem to touch each other a lot (a major Duggar family no-no).

But the heart wants what the heart wants… and so do the hands, we guess.

As for the engagement itself?

Duggar got down on one knee in an airplane hangar in front of a sign that reads “Abbie, Will You Marry Me?”

In a video shared online by TLC, the very happy pair then show off Burnett’s beautiful ring and explained how engagement is different from courtship.

Ready to take some notes, readers?

“Engagement is very different than a courtship because engagement actually says, ‘Okay, I’m committed to this person to marriage for life,’ ” says Duggar to the camera, adding:

“A courtship is more of a I’m getting to know this person with the idea of the possibility of marriage.

“But now it’s actually that commitment towards marriage.”

Okay. Got it!

While we wonder whether Duggar is just getting married to escape the clutches of his dad, John David has more to say on this topic.

“We’ve been ready for this step for a little while, but it was really just I had a lot of things I wanted to get done to make it really special,” said Duggar.

“I don’t know if I succeeded or not, but it was a lot of things.”

Oh, please, “he succeeded,” Burnett jumps in and says, going on to say she is “looking forward to planning a wedding so that we can get married!”

We’re so very happy for the couple.

We send them our congratulations on this engagement and on the impending pregnancy announcement that you just know is sure to follow any day now.
