Monday, July 23, 2018

Tekashi69: Alive! Thankful! Flirting with Nicki Minaj!

Tekashi69 is alive, folks.

And, apparently, he’s doing very well.

As you may have previously read on The Hollywood Gossip, Tekashi69 (sometimes referred to as just “Tekashi,” other times as just “6ix9ine”) was beaten nearly to death very early Sunday morning.

According to TMZ insiders, the rapper was assaulted by a trio of masked men outside of his home in New York City around 4:30 a.m.

They allegedly clobbered him on the head with their pistols, knocked him out and tossed him into their car.

Once the artist regained consciousness, these men threatened his life unless he told them where to find jewelry and cash inside his house.

Tekashi69 reportedly acquiesced and the thieves made off with almost $ 800,000 worth of stolent goods from the rapper’s residence.

Eventually, Tekashi escaped the clutches of his muggers and flagged down a stranger, who called 911 and helped get 6ix9ine admitted to the hospital.

This is what he looked like as a patient there:

faint of heart

Just a day after this incident supposedly took place, however, Tekashi69 is using social media once again, acting like very little actually transpired.

This is not to say the star isn’t acknowleding what happened.

“As crazy as it sounds.. yesterday morning I had a feeling that it was my day to die. May GOD strike me dead if I’m lying,” Tekashi69 wrote on Instagram, adding:

“Everything happens for a reason. I know you was there. Nothing materialistic is more important then LIFE. I live to see another DAY.

“I get to see my daughter another day. No Hate Charge it to the streets.”

In an Instagram Live video, the heavily-tattooed celebrity added:

“I’m just happy to get on Live and talk to my fans. I want y’all to know that I love y’all. And I’m just happy to be alive, know what I’m saying?”


Tekashi69, meanwhile, refused to provide details of his attack to the police.

Per the Associated Press, he acknowledged to authorities that men with guns forced him to make a call and to have “undisclosed amount of jewelry” brought out to their location.

But he said nothing of anyone entering his home and did not even mention any injuries to the copis.

Why might this be?

Because Tekashi69 has a tough reputation to uphold and cannot afford to let anyone think he was so brutally beaten and robbed.

There’s also an argument that Tekashi69 actually concocted this entire story just to get attention and to garner publicity for his new single.

Is there any proof of this conspiracy?

Not necessarily, although Nicki Minaj and Tekashi did drop their video for their new track, “FEFE,” just a few hours ago.

And Tekashi did reach out to his collaborator on Instagram shortly afterward, asking: “You still love me after I got beat up?”

“Fa sho. True love lasts forever,” Minaj wrote back.

We’re not entirely sure what to believe here — but if Tekashi69 made up this entire tale and even used actual makeup to create the phony photo above of himself in a hospital bed, well…

… bravo, young man. Bravo.
