Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Jennifer Aniston: Who is She Dating Now?!?

According to a new tabloid report, Jennifer Aniston’s love life is no longer DOA.

The gorgeous actress may have been stuck in second gear ever since her split from Justin Theorux in February

… but she’s now intent on making sure she isn’t alone every day, week, month and or even every year.

The general point here is the following:

Aniston is dating once again! 

While filming the new Netflix movie Murder Mystery in Montreal on June 27, a source on set said the star appeared “happy” all the time, with her “very upbeat” mood having a positive effect on co-stars such as Adam Sandler.

And why are things going so well for Aniston at the moment?

Nearly five months after she and Theroux confirmed their separation to the public, Us Weekly alleges that Aniston isn’t just out there looking for a new partner again.

She’s actually being wooed by two men!

“It’s very hush-hush,” a friend tells this tabloid, only saying that neither suitor is in the acting business.

The first contender, says another source, is a tech titan introduced to Aniston by a close pal.

“He recently split from his wife and is trying to win over Jen,” says this source.

As for the second individual hoping to become more than just friends (get it?!? FRIENDS?!?!?) with Aniston, a confidant tells the same magazine that he “is an industry creative she met when they started working on a project together several months ago.”

And Aniston has the full support of those close to her, many of whom are psyched she’s back in the dating game. 

“Jen’s group is excited that she’s dating again,” claims an Aniston insider. “They can hardly keep it a secret when they’re so happy to see Jen moving on.”

Aniston has not really been linked romantically to anyone since she and Theroux pulled the plug on their marriage.

With the exception of Brad Pitt, of course, that is.

Some folks out there really think she and Pitt are back together.

Heck, just consider this magazine cover below.

No way it would be misleading its readers in any way, shape or form, right?

So, just how serious is Aniston about Man #1 and/or Man #2?

Not all that serious, this same report explains.

“As strong as Jen is, she tends to be very wary of new people,” says a friend. “It normally takes a while for her to open up and trust someone.”

That’s fair.

She’s been burned in the past, most notably by Pitt who, at the very least, carried on an emotional affair with Angelina Jolie prior to leaving Aniston for the actress.

And maybe more than that.

We’re therefore glad Aniston is taking it slow, letting these suitors prove themselves to her before making any final decisions.

There’s no rush. And she’s a major catch. They have to earn her.
