Thursday, July 26, 2018

Demi Lovato Overdose Came Just Weeks After Intervention Attempt

Just two days ago, Demi Lovato was hospitalized after an overdose. This came only weeks after she revealed that she had suffered a relapse in her struggle with addiction.

The overdose after 12 hours of hard partying was a shock to many fans, but it wasn’t a surprise to those who have been close to Demi.

A new report sheds light on a recent attempt at an intervention. Unfortunately, it fell on deaf ears.

TMZ reports Demi Lovato was the target of an intervention that her team attempted to stage for her.

Unfortunately, the report says that she blew them off.

Weeks ago, her team apparently noticed that she was in a bad place. They confronted her about it and even offered to help her take whatever steps she needed to become sober again.

But addiction is a vicious illness that can make it difficult or even impossible for someone to seek help.

So Demi, despite having confessed to her relapse with her song, “Sober,” tried to make it appear that everything was fine.

And then she went right back to partying.

The attempt to urge her to enter a rehab program somewhere was not successful, and it was costly.

Demi Lovato fired her longtime manager, Phil McIntyre, who had been involved in the intervention.

It is not clear why she fired him, but given that TMZ confirms that he was part of the effort to restore her sobriety, many believe that she pushed him away.

More recently, Demi fired more staff and temporarily shuttered her website, which a lot of fans feared was linked to her relapse drama.

It’s hard to help someone who is struggling with addiction when they themselves are not ready to be helped.

To make matters worse, Demi was spotted hanging out with G-Eazy recently.

It’s one thing to alienate those who care about you.

It’s another thing altogether to then start hanging out with people with a reputation — and criminal history — for substances like cocaine.

Reports about the partying Demi was doing prior to her overdose say that the people with whom she was associating this summer were not her real friends.

They apparently did not have her best interests at heart.

It’s heartbreaking that the intervention didn’t work, but most of them don’t. Addiction can keep its victims from seeing people’s intentions for what they are.

However, there is good news — Demi Lovato is going to enter rehab.

Whichever facility she enters, it won’t be in L.A. … and it will also be a place where she does not expect to be the center of attention.

L.A. has too many triggers for her — which makes sobriety very, very difficult.

She needs to be able to experience rehab as a patient, not as a celebrity. That will be tricky.

It is important to remember that addiction is not a choice, and there are many factors — including genetics and environment — that determine who becomes addicted and who does not.

Demi has been open about her mental health struggles and also about her body image issues — both of which can and often do lead to self-medication with various substances.

This is why Demi’s struggle to remain sober — off and on — has been so challenging. She’s fighting an uphill battle.

It’s great to hear that she was surrounded by people who cared enough about her to risk (and, for some, lose) their jobs in order to encourage her to get help.

We hope that she surrounds her with similarly supportive people in the future.
