Friday, July 6, 2018

Kaley Cuoco Hospitalized for Shoulder Surgery on Her Honeymoon

On Saturday, June 30, Kaley Cuoco married Karl Cook! It’s wonderful news!

After the wedding comes the honeymoon. Not all marriages begin like a fairy tale.

Unfortunately, Kaley ended up spending hers in the hospital while undergoing shoulder surgery.

Kaley Cuoco shared a couple of images of her less-than-blissful honeymoon.

“When your ‘honeymoon’ is shoulder surgery,” Kaley says in the captions. “And your husband looks just as happy lol.”

He was clearly a very good sport about the whole thing. As, of course, we would hope that any spouse would.

Kaley then announces that she is “on the road to recovery.”

That is great news. The sooner that she makes a full recovery, the sooner that she can get back to enjoy her married life!

(This is a photo that Karl shared, showing how little enthusiasm she had for a spoiled honeymoon)

Kaley offers a shout-out to her fans.

“Thank you for all the love and support,” Kaley writes, followed by a red heart emoji.

“Knowing @mrtankcook,” she says. “I’m sure he will be posting tons of hilarious gems.”

Gems like the photo of her very grumpy face.

“Thank god,” Kaley says. “My hair color is on point”

Though we’re glad to hear that Kaley is recovering, that sounds like some truly miserable timing, right?

Kaley took to her Instagram stories to explain that the surgery wasn’t an emergency situation.

“For everyone asking,” Kaley explained. “Because everyone’s been so sweet and worried about me, this is a planned surgery.”

She reveals that this surgical appointment is one that “I’ve had for over a year.”

“I hurt it over a year ago,” Kaley reveals, adding that she “did not need immediate surgery” at the time.

“So,” Kaley explains. “I brilliantly planned it five days after our wedding. Right, babe?”

That is … not ideal timing.

At the same time, however, it’s certainly better than undergoing surgery prior to your wedding.

You don’t want your arm in a sling when you walk down the aisle.

Sometimes, people recovering from surgery are on medications that do not mix with alcohol. You certainly don’t want that.

And since it’s been scheduled for a year, it’s not like she got injured on their honeymoon and had to cancel perfectly laid plans.

Back in the olden days, honeymoons were high-pressure situations in which a newly married couple was at least assumed to be having sex for the first time and, for the first time, getting to know one another in a domestic setting.

Now, unless you’re part of a Duggar-like fertility cult or simply choose to wait, most couples are comfortable with each other sexually.

And, quite frankly, most have lived with each other well before tying the knot.

The honeymoon is now more of a very special vacation for couples and less of a high stakes opportunity to find out whether or not two near-strangers have made a catastrophic mistake.

In that sense, Kaley’s timing is actually pretty great.

Sure, she’s recovering from surgery — but now she has her husband to look after her. That is so sweet.
