Friday, July 6, 2018

Anna Duggar Gushes Over Josh, Makes Internet Barf

Poor, Anna Duggar.

Correction: poor, poor, POOR Anna Duggar.

The mother of five remains married to her husband despite Josh Duggar having been involved in two of the more disgusting scandals we can recall.

We can"t imagine she has any kind of support system around her — and we can imagine that her in-laws have all laid on extreme guilt trips about her leaving her gross husband and trying to start over without his terrible influence.

This is relevant once again because Anna made a surprising return to Instagram in early July of 2018, actually writing nice things about Josh in honor of a milestone for the couple.

Get out that barf bag and scroll down to find out what she said…

1. Yes, Anna Duggar is on Instagram

Josh duggar and a kid

But she rarely posts messages or photos. The last time she shared a picture of Josh Duggar was on March 1, 2017. It was the picture above and she wrote as a caption: “Happy Birthday Josh! I’m so thankful for the 30 years of life God has given you – I love you!”

2. The Last Time Anna Posted Anything at All?


You need to go back to May 1, 2018. She asked if anyone would be watching the film “Love Arrows” and included with this question the quote above.

3. So, Why Did She Return on July 5?


Because “June was an exciting month for our family,” Anna wrote as a caption to multiple photos, explaining why as follows: “Marcus, Michael and I are are officially a year older + Josh and I celebrated our 10 year engagement anniversary!” It was this last statement that got the attention of fans, especially when you consider how she followed it up.

4. She Followed It Up with This Photo

Josh kisses anna

And also with this conclusion to her caption: “The past 10 years have been a wonderful adventure. So thankful for God’s redeeming grace and His blessings to us along the way, especially our 5 M’s!”

5. A Wonderful Adventure, Huh?


That’s one way to look at it. Fans had a mixture of responses to this description, from those who thought Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have pressured Anna to remain married… to those who thought it was no one’s business… to those who believe Josh had been redeemed.

6. Wait… Redeemed for What?!?

Anna and josh duggar

In case you aren’t aware, let us refresh your memory here: Josh admitted in May of 2015 that he molested two of his sisters and five girls overall. It was also revealed that his parents were aware of these actions, yet did not go to the authorities.

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