Sunday, July 15, 2018

Kate Upton: PREGNANT!

Great news for the future of modeling!

And also for Kate Upton and her husband, Justin Verlander!

If you caught the headline, then you know what’s up — Kate is pregnant with her first child!

She announced the news with this stunning photo (though honestly, is there a photo of Kate Upton that isn’t stunning?) that she shared on Instagram yesterday.

Instead of gushing about the future or going into any details, she kept it simple by tagging Justin in the picture and adding one little hashtag, “pregnant in Miami.”

And judging by her appearance here, yeah she is!

She’s obviously not huge or anything, but she’s definitely got a bump going on already.

Like we said, she hasn’t offered any details yet, but it’s easy to imagine she’s been waiting a little while to share the big news.

Many people wait until after the first trimester to make a pregnancy announcement, so there’s even a chance she’s nearly halfway through already!

And can we take a moment to talk about how flawless she looks?

It seems like pregnancy, just like literally everything else, really suits her.

(Get it? Because she’s weaing this amazing maternity suit? Do you get it?)

Oh, and you know how we said that Kate hasn’t done any gushing about her growing bundle of joy yet?

We can’t say the same for Justin.

The Houston Astros pitcher actually left a comment on Kate’s photo, and it’s honestly a little too precious to handle.

“You’re going to be the most amazing Mom!” he told her.

“I can’t wait to start this new journey with you!”

He told Kate that she’s “the most thoughtful, loving, caring, and strong woman I’ve ever met,” and that he’s “so proud that our little one is going to be raised in this world by a woman like you!”

“I love you so much,” he concluded.

Isn’t that just the sweetest thing?

It makes sense — their entire relationship has been pretty darn sweet.

These two beautiful people have been together since 2014 — four years, a miracle for celebrity relationships!

He proposed in 2016 with a great big ol’ diamond, and of course they were married last November in a ceremony in Tuscany.

And now, eight months later, we know that they’re going to add a little baby to their list of adorable achievements.

Congrats, Kate and Justin!
