Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Jenelle Evans to MTV: Here"s My List of INSANE Demands!

Filming for the ninth season of Teen Mom 2 is currently underway, and thus far, Jenelle Evans has not participated.

As you"re probably aware, Jenelle isn"t on the greatest terms with the network that made her famous.

It doesn"t help that MTV fired David Eason from the show, but Jenelle"s gripes go well beyond concerns about her unemployed husband.

For one thing, it seems Evans" recent road rage incident has led producers to implement some new safety policies — and Jenelle is refusing to abide by the new rules.

The Ashley"s Reality Roundup has obtained a full list of Jenelle"s demands, and they"re every bit as bonkers as you would expect:

1. On Strike

Jenelle evans eye roll

Yes, Jenelle is officially holding out. And it may be quite some time before MTV agrees to meet all of her demands.

2. Hurricane Season

Jenelle evans in glasses

Of course, Jenelle didn’t earn the nickname “the Carolina Hurricane” simply because she kinda blows. No, her temper is notorious, and it seems MTV execs are now experiencing Evans’ full wrath.

3. The Drama Queen

Jenelle raging on the road

Jenelle may be a pain to work with, but she’s so good for ratings that producers are dying to bring her back. “They are moving on with the show without her, but they really want her to sign on,” The Ashley’s source tells her.

4. The Negotiator

Red white and jenelle

“They have been negotiating back and forth for weeks to try to come to terms that both the network and Jenelle are happy with,” says the insider.

5. Eason Is the Reason

David eason allergic to shirts

At the center of the tense negotiations is Jenelle’s volatile husband David Eason.

6. What to Do About Dave?

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

Eason was fired from the show late last year, but it seems there’s still some debate about how to proceed with Jenelle, while simultaneously keeping Eason off camera.

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