Thursday, August 2, 2018

Briana Renee Fears for Her Life, Claims Ex Now Carries a Gun

Although Briana Renee’s divorce is so acrimonious that she left Little Women: L.A. to keep the court battle from spilling onto people’s television screens, we’re still learning unpleasant details.

According to court documents, Briana is still in fear of her disreputable ex.

And she says that she has good reason to — as he has allegedly taken to carrying a gun with him.

RadarOnline reports that, in a supplemental declaration filed last week, Briana admits that she is alarmed by and afraid of Matt Grundhoffer’s gun-toting.

There is more to it than that he apparently carries a gun.

She says that he has aimed that gun at himself. Given that she accuses him of having threatened to “kill everyone” in the house, himself included, this is very seriously.

Specifically, Briana says that he “pretends to aim and look down the barrel of the gun.”

The court document alleges that Matt will do this, “and state, ‘I am not afraid of anyone.’”

That declaration was filed on July 27. 

The two were scheduled to appear in Riverside County Superior Court on Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2018.

That appearance was for a hearing on a permanent restraining order against Matt.

Records also show that they are both required to return to court for a mandatory settlement conference for their divorce.

For a split that started off being described as “amicable,” this has become everything but.

Long before Matt was ever allegedly carrying a gun, Briana says, she had reason to fear him.

She has accused him of verbal and physical abuse, which she says took place during his drinking binges.

“In August 2017,” Briana accuses in court documents. “Respondent (Grundhoffer) threatened to break down our bedroom door while I had it locked it in fear of him.”


Briana’s accusation continues: “He stated, ‘I am going to break down this f–king door!”

She has also accused him of punching walls.

The allegations against Matt extend beyond verbal and physical abuse — though those alone are more than enough cause for alarm.

Briana accuses her ex of exchanging messages involving bestiality and talk of an illegal sex act upon minor children, including Matt’s own 12-year-old son from a previous relationship.

These alleged sexually explicit messages are too disturbing to joke about.

Needless to say, the mentioning of Matt’s own son in these alleged conversations is the most disturbing. Sick fantasies are one thing, but that’s too close to home.

This all becomes more alarming when you look at a real-world accusation that has been leveled against Matt.

In June, Grundhoffer was accused of having sexually assaulted a minor in 2009.

The alleged victim was a patient of his at the Child Study and Treatment Center in the state of Washington, where he worked as a counselor.

The suit is aimed at State of Washington, the Department of Social and Health Services, and the Child Study and Treatment Center.

Though Grundhoffer is not being sued, the accusation that he carried out the alleged sexual assault may become relevant as Briana seeks a permanent restraining order.

For that matter, it may become relevant to their divorce.
