Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Donald Trump Thinks You Need ID to Buy Groceries

Donald Trump has said a fair number of ridiculous and unfathomable things as a candidate for President and then as the actual President.

He has said most Mexicans are rapists… and that there are some "good" white supremacists… and that he never colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.

But the Commander-in-Chief has never sounded more out of touch with the average human being than he did during a speech in Tampa, Florida on July 31.

Speaking to a gathering of raucous supporters in The Sunshine State, Trump was pushing for his racist idea of voter ID laws for future elections.

He was doing this, of course, to suppress the voice of those who might dare to want someone else in the Oval Ofice in 2020.

And to drive his point home of why these new, stricter laws ought to be enacted, the President said it was ridiculous NOT to require certain forms of identification when one goes to vote…

… because, heck, you need to prove you identity simply to buy some cereal at the supermarket.

“You know if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card,” Trump said. “You need ID.”

The thing is, you don"t. Like, at all.

In no way, shape or form does one need to show proof of identification when shopping for food.

As you might expect, social media users jumped all over this gaffe, pointing to the obvious fact that Donald Trump has likely not set food inside of a supermarket in decades.

In and of itself, this isn"t a big deal.

Plenty of rich people do not do their own shopping.

Still, most of these people are likely aware that one doesn"t need an ID to simply buy some fruit… right?

There are a few slightly bigger deals surrounding Trump these days than the misguided notion he espouses in the video featured here, like how he pays off mistresses and is at the mercy of Vladimir Putin.

But it"s interesting to note how times have changed.

Just look at the article and headline below:

Way back in the ay, it was FRONT PAGE news in the New York Times when George H.W. Bush came across like a fool when touring a supermarket.

He had no idea how the entire checkout process worked.

And this was so shocking and so troubling to voters that the aforementioned newspaper thought it deserved above-the-fold coverage.

Yup, in the late 1980s, THIS is what qualified as a major scandal.

How we long for that era…

Donald trump thinks you need an id to buy groceries