Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus: Still Planning to Fight?!

Kailyn Lowry and Briana DeJesus have been feuding for nearly an entire year now, and things almost got physical at the taping of the Teen Mom 2 reunion back in May.

It was pretty intense, but it also happened three months ago.

Do Kailyn and Briana still hate each other? Are they still interested in resolving their issues by exchanging some blows?

Let"s find out!

1. Come On, Ladies

Kailyn and briana

If you watched last week’s Teen Mom 2 special, or even if you just keep up with all the latest gossip, then you know about that fight that Kailyn and Briana got into with each other.

2. Oh Hey, Brittany!

Brittany dejesus

Well, the fight they got into with a special appearance from Briana’s sister, Brittany.

3. Fighting Words

Kail lowry on teen mom 2

Although they’d been feuding for months after Briana started dating Javi, Kailyn’s ex-husband, Briana kicked things up a notch with a certain comment she made on Instagram.

4. So Rude

Chris lopez and lux

In that comment, Briana alleged that Chris Lopez, the father of Kailyn’s third child, beats her in front of her children. It’s not hard to figure out why Kailyn had an issue with that.

5. Throwing Down

Kailyn lowry glasses

So when everybody was gathered backstage, preparing to film the Unseen Moments special, Kail decided that she wanted to meet with Briana privately, without cameras, to talk things out.

6. Well …

Kail pic teen mom 2

Except she pulled her hair back and put on some sneakers, so it seemed like she was expecting a little bit of action, too.

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