Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Lauren Bushnell and Devin Antin: It"s Over!

More than a year ago, we told you that Lauren Bushnell had a new boyfriend, even before she and Devin Antin confirmed that they were dating.

But Lauren and Devin’s relationship has come to an end.

And Lauren is opening up about what she regrets about her relationship with Devin.

The days of Lauren Bushnell and Devin Antin’s PDA are, sadly, over.

Lauren opened up to Entertainment Tonight about things that she now wishes that she had done a little differently.

“In hindsight,” Lauren reveals. “I wish I would have taken a little bit more time” following her breakup with Ben Higgins.

Very few people realize that they’re in a rebound relationship when they first enter one.

“But,” Lauren acknowledges. “That’s the way it went.”

“It naturally evolved,” Lauren says, making it clear that she didn’t to seeking out a new boyfriend to ease her feelings of loneliness or whatever.

“But I do feel bad,” she admits. “Because I went through a very hard, public breakup.”

She worries that she burdened Devin with her very public baggage.

“And,” Lauren says. “I do think I brought a lot of those emotions into me and Devin’s relationship at the beginning.”

“So it’s definitely been, like, a roller coaster of a ride,” Lauren concludes.

Back when she and Devin were still together, she spoke to Entertainment Tonight about her new relationship and how it made people view her old one.

“I think everyone always wants there to be someone at fault, or a reason why, or someone wants to point the finger,” Lauren said.

“And,” she continued. “I think because I started dating Devin so soon after, I was kind of an easy target.”

Suggesting that she was the heartless villain who dumped Ben, who left The Bachelor: Winter Games in tears months later because he was still processing his emotions.

That was not the case.

“That was obviously hard,” Lauren says of their split. “But breakups are hard, whether you met on The Bachelor or not. Breakups suck.”

At the time, Lauren praised Devin for filling her with courage.

“He really does push me to do things that I’ve dreamt of or I’m passionate about or want to do,” Lauren gushed.

She quickly clarified: “and not push me in a way that’s like, aggressive,”

“[He] gives me that little nudge that maybe I need at times, which is really cool,” Lauren beamed.

“And,” she continued. “I’ve never really had someone who does that for me.”

Can we just say that Lauren’s honesty here, when she’s talking about how she may have been too hasty in beginning her relationship with Devin, is pretty refreshing?

She’s not making him out to be the bad guy, and she’s not blaming fan attention or Ben Higgins for this relationship fizzling out.

If anything, she might be giving herself too hard of a time. Sometimes, people still have emotional baggage from a past relationship, and that can stay with them for years.

Just because she moved on with her life without ritually purging herself of all emotion and personal history doesn’t mean that she was a toxic girlfriend.
