Thursday, August 23, 2018

Khloe Kardashian to Tristan Thompson: This Is Your Last Chance to Win Me Back!

It’s been four months since Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe Kardashian while she was pregnant with his child.

But against all odds, Khloe and Tristan are still going strong.

Well, they’re still going, at least.

The “strong” part is up for debate.

Anyway, it seems Khloe recently realized that she and her baby daddy are coming up on a rather dubious milestone.

In October, it will be six months since TMZ broke the story that Tristan had hooked up with at least three separate women while Khloe was carrying his baby.

Most couples would probably try to ignore such an unpleasant date, but Khloe has reportedly focused on it like a laser.

Sources tell Radar Online that Khloe has informed Tristan it’s on that day that she’ll render her final decision regarding their future as a couple.

Which means he better be on his very best behavior in the weeks to come.

“It will soon be the six-month mark after his cheating turned their lives upside down,” the source told Radar.

“She figures it’s more than enough of a stretch for Tristan to show her he’s capable of winning her trust back.”

But so far, it seems Tristan isn’t off to the greatest start.

Now, despite reports to the contrary, it doesn’t look as though Tristan is still cheating on Khloe.

But he’s also not complying with all of her wishes.

“He’s refused to do therapy, saying they don’t need it, so the onus is on him to ease Khloe’s anxieties with his actions not his words,” says the insider.

Bold strategy, Tris.

And considering Tristan was recently caught “flirting” and exchanging numbers with women at the ESPY Awards, it seems he’s not doing the greatest job of easing those anxieties.

So it’s understandable that Khloe is holding off on deciding whether or not Thompson is husband material.

“Right now she is 50-50 on whether or not he’ll come through and be the man for her long-term,” the insider confessed.

“She wants it to work more than anything, but there’s only so long she’ll torture herself and walk on eggshells while she decides.”

We suppose it’s smart of Khloe to hold off on making her mind about Tristan until she has a bit more information.

Although the very smartest thing she could do is just play it safe by kicking his ass to the curb.
