Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Becca Kufrin Looks EXACTLY Like Garrett Yrigoyen"s Ex-Wife!

If you were already following The Bachelorette Spoilers, then Becca"s fateful choice was no surprise. But that doesn"t mean that it was any easier to watch Blake Horstmann get blindsided.

On top of Garrett Yrigoyen"s Instagram bigotry scandal (he"s super sorry) and the fact that he talks like a kindergartener, the Bachelor Nation found a new issue with Becca"s choice.

Check out our video and decide for yourself: Does Becca look exactly like Garrett"s ex-wife? And if so, what does that mean?

Becca and garrett forever

Back when we were first introducing you to Becca Kufrin"s men, we mentioned that Garrett Yrigoyen (or someone with his exact same name in that same city) had been married a few years earlier.

As it turns out, that marriage was to a woman named Kayla.

That marriage lasted for all of two months.

As a lot of members of the Bachelor Nation pointed out on social media during the finale, a marriage that brief is probably a red flag.

Well, fans have also pointed out that there"s something much weirder about Garrett"s last marriage than just its brevity.

Take a look at two images that a fan on Twitter paired up:

Becca kufrin kayla split from twitter

Guys … she looks just like Becca.

Becca and Kayla have the same dark hair — which, in and of itself, isn"t a huge deal.

They also have similar skin tones, but given Garrett"s abhorrently bigoted social media history, most fans don"t expect him to have a huge variety of skin tones in his dating history.

But they also have similar facial structures, right down to eyebrows and jawlines.

Oh, and they have very similar eyes.

Kayla yrigoyen

Honestly? We"re not even sure what to do with this information. 

Garrett was a suitor, so it"s less unnerving than it would be if he had been the Bachelor and singled out the contestant who looks like a clone of his ex-wife.

"Guys…this is Garrett’s ex-wife," one fan wrote about Kayla. "Who do you think she looks like?"

"Becca looks so much like Garrett ex-wife that it’s giving me chills," another confessed.

While we"re sure that it didn"t help that fans already disliked Garrett, this is admittedly a little eerie.

Kayla and garrett wedding pic

"Plot twist: we haven’t heard from Garrett ex-wife bc she actually is Becca," one Bachelor aficionado joked.

"Garrett is still in love with his ex," another theorized. "It’s obvious because Becca looks just her. But really, they’re twins."

"So uh… Garrett’s ex-wife looks like a stand-in for Becca," tweeted another. "And Becca’s ex looks like Garrett."

That line, of course, refers to Becca"s ex-boyfriend from Minneapolis and not to Arie. 

Say what you will about Garrett, but he does not look like Arie.

Garrett yrigoyen

If you think that fans are blowing all of this out of proportion, feel free to watch the wedding video that we have included and decide for yourself.

If you agree with the Bachelor Nation, it might look a bit like a preview of Garrett and Becca"s wedding.

Assuming that those two somehow make it that far, that is. A lot of folks don"t believe that these two will quite make it downt he aisle.

Honestly? We suspect that Becca resembling Kayla is mostly just a coincidence.


But that doesn"t mean that there aren"t other issues with this relationship.

Becca kufrin looks exactly like garrett yrigoyens ex wife