Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Kailyn Lowry: Maci Bookout Is Totally Pregnant!

Right after Kailyn Lowry was body-shamed by Farrah Abraham’s dad, eagle-eyed fans are making some body comments on Kail’s photos.

But it’s not Kailyn’s body that’s earned their focus — it’s Maci Bookout. Fans point out that Maci looks like she’s sporting a baby bump.

And they’re going after Kailyn for leaking this photo before Maci is ready to tell the world!

Fans took a break from worrying that Kailyn Lowry is already pregnant again to point out that, to their eyes, Maci Bookout looks pregnant in this pic.

One fan commented: “Maci is so pregnant.”

Another wrote: “hope Maci’s pregnant. She definitely looks it here.”

“Although it could be the shirt,” that commenter concedes. “She makes the CUTEST babies.”

She sure does.

Then, another blasted Kailyn for “revealing Maci’s pregnancy” by sharing the photo.

Kail saw that comment and wrote back immediately: “Except I didn’t.”

First of all, she didn’t leak or reveal anything except a group photo for Coffee and Convos, her podcast.

Kailyn explained the optical illusion that was making fans think that Maci is pregnant.

“It’s the way the shirt was flowing,” Kail clarifies.

We think that she’s right. Maci is tall but was leaning forward slightly in that photo.

Here’s Maci’s most recent pic on Instagram. 

it could have been taken at almost any time, sure, but … she sure doesn’t look pregnant to us.

Folks, Maci already has three children.

Bentley, Jayde, and Maverick are enough.

If she wants more kids, she can have them, but fans shouldn’t get greedy just because they crave the oxytocin rush that comes from looking at baby pictures.

Of course, Maci has entertained the idea before — she spoke to Taylor about the idea of a fourth child, though she also expressed an interest in adoption.

The fact of that matter is that some of these fans may have genuinely believed that Maci was pregnant.

Others may have just hoped that she was, or gone along with what others were saying because they wanted to feel like they were on the cutting edge of a breaking story.

And then, of course, there were those who were just trolling for a reaction from Kailyn, who is known to engage with her fans and commenters.

Lookin’ at you, person who decided that Kail sharing a group photo that was clearly intended to go public was actually her being a bad friend to Maci and revealing her secrets.

Sometimes, commenters need to chill.

As we mentioned, Maci and Taylor have spoken about another child.

That could happen via birth or via adoption.

(It is even possible, based upon Maci’s own words, that she might have another child and adopt)

If and when that happens, we have no doubts that her friend Kailyn will take every step to protect her privacy until she’s good and ready to tell the world.

Who knows better than a fellow Teen Mom how personal a baby bump can be?

Maci can no longer enjoy that Ryan Edwards is in jail, because he was released, but she still has the support of her friends.
