Friday, August 10, 2018

Kanye West Talks Trump, Kim and (Lots Of) Porn with Jimmy Kimmel

Kanye West sat down for an interview with Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday night, August 9.

And, you may not believe this, but the rapper often rambled, raved and made little to no sense.

During a fascinating/depressing 11-plus minute chat, Kanye discussed nearly everything… from his love for President Donald Trump; to porn; to his Bipolar diagnosis.

This was the first time West appeared and talked in public since he expressed affection for Trump and also said black people chose to be slaves.

When Kimmel asked Kanye how he felt about Kardashian meeting Trump on behalf of a 62-year-old great-grandmother who was jailed for 22 years, the artist said he was proud.

“She’s super passionate about it and it was amazing for her to see that dream come true,” West told Kimmel.

Fair enough.

But was Kanye worried that a hornball such as Trump would make a move on his wife?

Yes, “he is a player,” West said to a round of applause.

Still, he"s a player Kanye respects for some reason.

"When I see people just even like go at the president, it"s like, why not try love," he asked like a moron, adding:

"One by one by one, we can diffuse this nuclear bomb of hate of society by thinking of everyone as our family and how we treat our kids."

Kimmel tried to use simple reason and logic with West in response to the rapper"s nonsense:

"I think that"s a beautiful thought, but just in literal terms, there are families being torn apart at the border of this country… as a result of what this president is doing.

"And I think we cannot forget that, whether we like personality or not, his actions are really what matter.

"You so famously said, "George Bush doesn"t care about black people." It makes me wonder what makes you think Donald Trump does, or [cares about] any people at all?"

To this question, Kanye said… nothing.

For real! Kimmel managed to leave the superstar literally speechless.

After a commercial break, the subject matter shifted from Trump to pornography, with West saying his views on women had NOT changed since becoming a father of some young ones.

"I still look at Pornhub," West confessed.

Kanye then gushed over favorite category of adult videos, which he says are those that feature interracial couples because they reflect his reality.

We"re not joking. This really happened.

Watch the video featured here to see the exchange for yourself!

Kanye west rambles about donald trump and kim kardashian hook up