Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Lady Gaga Goes Nude on Instagram: Take a Look!

Lady Gaga kicked off the New Year with a photo of her butt in a thong, but now the phenomenal singer has stripped down even further.

Sporting big hair and essentially nothing else, Lady Gaga has posted some tasteful nudes of herself, with her many tattoos on full display.

Take a look for yourself and decide if she looks better out of the legendary meat dress than in it:

On Tuesday, Lady Gaga went on Instagram to remind the world that, at 32, she’s as hot as ever.

She is sporting some majorly big hair — big enough to give off a Dolly Parton vibe.

Her attire, or lack thereof, gives off a very different impression.

Though her nipples are blurred to meet Instagram’s controversial standards, Gaga’s tattoos are on full display — and so is the curve of her butt.

Take a look:

She looks so good!

We do notice the haunting figure on the couch behind her — the one who seems to blend in with the upholstery.

What can we say? These artsy photos by Eli Russell Linnetz are more than just risque.

Photography is an art form, and sometimes that means pairing the alluring with the creepy.

That also very much matches Gaga’s brand, from her music to her role on American Horror Story.

In this photo, the incomparable singer is wearing stockings that come up to her (fashion) waistline.

The stockings are transparent, but are just visible enough to obscure her bits (though it looks like they may have deliberately smudged the image to make sure of that).

The uncensored versions of these three photos (yes, there’s one more coming) are left up to the imaginations of her fans and followers.

We’re sure that she’ll keep copies of them in a treasured place, but whether she chooses to share them on a less prudish social media app one day is entirely up to her.

In this next photo, you can see her donning those stockings.

She looks incredible.

Lady Gaga has a complicated relationship with her body.

Her figure is incredible and clearly her vocal cords are both part of her body and part of her tremendous talent.

But Lady Gaga is suffering from a disease — fibromyalgia. It causes widespread muscle pain and tenderness and can transform someone’s life in the worst way.

Lady Gaga is such a trooper, though. She’s being up front and direct about her illness and connecting with fans who also suffer from chronic pain.

Lady Gaga has been in the national spotlight for about a decade, now.

In 2008, she unveiled “Just Dance” and “Pokerface” and began her transformation of the music scene and even of the fashion industry.

Some still remained unaware of her until her powerful 2009 performance of “Paparazzi” at that particularly widely viewed VMAs (a lot of people tuned in after Kanye interrupted Taylor and that FOMO hit).

She’s also an actress and a model and, with these photos, you can really see why.

These photos may be part of a shoot for her upcoming Vegas Residency, but that is merely speculation.
