Showing posts with label Accidentally. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accidentally. Show all posts

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Newly-Engaged Couple Accidentally Drops Pregnancy Bomb

The man and woman featured in this photo just got engaged. Hooray!

They also just revealed something else very personal about themselves by accident. Oops!

Upon first glance, Miranda Levy simply shared the same sort of Facebook photo here as many other brides-to-be, posing alongside her new fiancé and pointing at her new diamond ring. 

She wrote as a caption how she’s “blessed” to be marrying the man she loves and how he wasn’t able to give her a “real ring yet,” but “what matters is what’s on the inside.”

And this is true.

But look at the bottom-left corner of the picture. What may have mattered to this couple is what’s on the inside… of Miranda’s womb.

Yup, that’s a home pregnancy test!

After multiple friends pointed out this faux pas, Miranda finally realized her mistake and added as a comment to her Facebook post:

“Hey guys, we’re having a baby too.”

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Local News Accidentally Uses Holocaust Symbol For Jewish Holiday Story! See What The Station Said About The "Oversight"!

Someone is getting fired!

Local Chicago news station WGN sparked controversy online after using a symbol of Nazi abuse for their Yom Kippur story!

On Tuesday, the news station was highlighting the Jewish holiday — where Jews fast and atone for their sins.

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But viewers understandably took offense upon noticing that the image used for the story was of the yellow Star of David badge — which Jewish people were forced to wear during the Holocaust!

This unfortunate error sparked outrage on Twitter, as users wrote to the news station:

WGN swiftly apologized, saying they regrettably “failed to recognize” the offensive symbol, and are “extremely embarrassed.” The following statement was issued on their website:

“Last night we ran a story to recognize Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement. The artwork chosen to accompany the story came from a graphics image bank. Regrettably, we failed to recognize that the image was an offensive Nazi symbol. We are extremely embarrassed and we deeply apologize to our viewers and to the Jewish community for this mistake. Ignorance is not an excuse. Please know we are reviewing our in house policies and changes have already been made to make sure a hurtful oversight like this never happens again. Thank you for your understanding. We promise to do better.”

Sounds like WGN needs to update their graphics image bank before Hanukkah starts! Check out the clip (below) to see the fail!

[Image via YouTube.]