Showing posts with label Accuse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Accuse. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Nathan Griffith: Did He Accuse Jenelle Evans of Child Abuse?

Jenelle Evans has done all sorts of wild and disgusting things during her time on Teen Mom 2, but thus far, no one has accused her of full-blown child abuse.

Obviously, many folks claimed that Jenelle is a negligent parent.

And more than a few have accused Jenelle of physical assault, but never against a child.

However, it now looks as though Ms. Evans will be forced to answer from some mighty serious allegations coming from none other than her former fiance, Nathan Griffith.

The news of the latest dispute between the parents of 2-year-old Kaiser comes to us courtesy of The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

According to the site, there many fans expressed concern in connection with a photo Jenelle posted over the weekend.

The image shows Kaiser at the beach, and the boy appears to have some dark bruises on his arm.

Some of Jenelle’s followers stated their belief that they’re the kind of bruises that might be caused by grabbing a child forcefully.

It’s important for us to point out that we are no way implying that Jenelle or her fiance, David Eason, have in any way behaved in an abusive fashion toward any of the children in their care.

But some folks on social media had no qualms about doing a LOT more than implying.

Many outright accused Jenelle and David of abuse, and it seems Nathan very understandably became concerned.

“If anyone dared lay a physical hand on either one of my kids, it would be hell on earth real freaking quick! #treadlightly #definitionofDADDY,” Griffith tweeted.

Yes, Nathan sounds pissed.

But there’s more than one way to interpret that tweet.

He could be assuring fans that he has no reason to suspect Jenelle or David, and if he ever did, the hell on Earth would ensue, and whatnot.

Or maybe he’s attempting to publicly call Jenelle out.

If that’s the case it probably won’t be long before he does so in a more formal setting.

Jenelle and Nathan’s custody battle is ongoing, and the exes have been consistently upping the ante in terms of the accusations they level at one another.


Sunday, May 7, 2017

"ANTM" Bello Sanchez Says Roommate Threatened to Accuse Him of "Rape"

Former “America’s Next Top Model” contestant Bello Sanchez thought he’d make some dough renting out his guest room, but says he’s ended up with a nightmare roommate. Bello says he rented the spare bedroom in his North Hollywood…


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bill Gothard: 10 More Women Accuse Duggars" Minister of Sexual Assault

In October of 2015, Institute of Basic Life Principles Bill Gothard was sued by 5 women who claim they were sexually assaulted by the disgraced minister either while they were under his employ, or after they’d come to him seeking help.

Gothard – who is best known as the former reverend and “spiritual mentor” of the Duggar family – has drawn unfavorable comparisons to Bill Cosby, as he allegedly avoided criminal charges by using coercion tactics to prevent the women from pressing charges until the statute of limitations for such crimes had expired.

Also like Cosby, Gothard’s hubris got the better of him, as he recently attempted a “triumphant” return to public life after lying low for more than a year.

Needless to say, it didn’t go well.

Gothard was bombarded by sexual assault allegations after launching social media accounts that he quickly deleted.

Now, the New York Daily News that despite his attempt to retreat from the spotlight, Gothard is still attracting plenty of negative attention, as ten more accusers have come forward this week with claims that they were assaulted by Gothard.

The women have filed suit against Gothard, and court documents obtained by the Daily News contain shocking and graphic allegations about Gothard and other church officials forcing themselves on women and teenage girls.

Gothard has declined to get into specifics, but the unmarried 81-year-old made the following statement when contacted by the Washington Post:

“Never in my life have I touched a girl sexually. I’m shocked to even hear that. That really is not true.”

In this latest suit, the alleged victims are seeking only $ 50,000 in damages – but Gothard’s legal woes might continue to get worse going forward.

“It would not surprise me if law enforcement got involved in this case,” says attorney David Gibbs III, whl is representing the 10 plaintiffs.

Gothard has refused to comment on the possiblity of facing criminal charges.