Showing posts with label Brinkley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brinkley. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Meek Mill Denied New Trial by Judge Brinkley

Meek Mill will NOT get a new trial — Judge Genece Brinkley shut down his motion, despite prosecutors admitting he should get one. Brinkley made her stunning ruling Monday, saying, “After an in depth review of the record, court history, notes of…


Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Meek Mill"s Lawyer and Judge Brinkley Get into Heated Exchange

Meek Mill’s lawyers got into a contentious exchange with Judge Genece Brinkley after they claimed she straight-up LOL’d in open court. As we reported … Meek marched into court Monday for a hearing to decide if he’ll get a new trial.…


Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Meek Mill Denied Judge Transfer in Criminal Case, Brinkley Stays On

Meek Mill got some bad news in court this week … the judge who’s been a thorn in his side is officially staying on his criminal case. A separate state court judge in Philly denied Meek’s bid Wednesday to strip his pending case away from Judge…


Meek Mill Denied Judge Transfer in Criminal Case, Brinkley Stays On

Meek Mill got some bad news in court this week … the judge who’s been a thorn in his side is officially staying on his criminal case. A separate state court judge in Philly denied Meek’s bid Wednesday to strip his pending case away from Judge…


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Christie Brinkley Dines with Stormy Daniels" Lawyer, Michael Avenatti

Christie Brinkley’s been divorced from Billy Joel for decades, but it seems she still likes big shots … this one in the form of Stormy Daniels’ lawyer. Christie got super cozy Saturday night with Michael Avenatti. Christie and her brood were…


Christie Brinkley Dines with Stormy Daniels" Lawyer, Michael Avenatti

Christie Brinkley’s been divorced from Billy Joel for decades, but it seems she still likes big shots … this one in the form of Stormy Daniels’ lawyer. Christie got super cozy Saturday night with Michael Avenatti. Christie and her brood were…


Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Meek Mill"s Lawyer Says Judge Brinkley is "A Little Delusional"

Judge Genece Brinkley is “a little sad and a little delusional” for not removing herself from Meek Mill’s case … so says Meek’s lawyer. Joe Tacopina is incredulous at statements made by Brinkley’s lawyer that her honor will not recuse herself…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Alexa Ray Joel: Christie Brinkley Daughter Claps Back When Called "Hideous" by Troll!

We don’t know what kind of bitter troll feels a need to leave nasty comments that compare the beauty of sisters, but one Instagram user did just that.

Their rude post compared Christie Brinkley’s oldest daughter, Alexa Ray Joel, to her 19-year-old daughter, Sailor Brinkley Cook. The troll used the opportunity to bash Alexa’s looks.

Alexa, unafraid to clap back at haters, gave a response so strong that the troll deleted his comment and ran for the hills. Metaphorically speaking.

Christie Brinkley and her daughters are sizzling hot. That shouldn’t really be up for debate. It’s barely subjective.

Nonetheless, some guy out there thinks that Alexa Ray Joel, (Christie’s daughter with Billy Joel), is unattractive.

At this point, you must be worried that this person has some sort of visual impairment. We wondered the same thing.

But no, this person was able to appreciate the gorgeous looks of Alexa’s younger sister, Sailor Brinkley Cook.

And he said as much after proud, gorgeous mom Christie Brinkley shared a behind-the-scenes look at Sailor’s photoshoot.

She’s stunning, right?

We can understand the natural human instinct to rank things. (I love making lists, even if it’s hard to choose a favorite movie, a favorite video game, a favorite Brinkley daughter)

What we can’t understand is why someone would use this as an opportunity to bash Alexa.

Specifically, why anyone would feel the need to straight-up post their negativity. Maybe some people just feel powerful if they hurt a famous person’s feelings.

Some dude decided to describe Alexa as “hideous” in a now-deleted comment.

Alexa’s epic clapback, however, is still standing.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Mr. Big Shot.”

Them’s fightin’ words, as they say.

“You may think I’m hideous, but I like the way I look.”

To be clear, most people like the way that Alexa looks.

Then her retort continues:

“And that’s really all the matters.”

She’s right — her own self-image matters more than what others think.

“(Besides, there’s a lot more to people than just what they look like.)”

And then, well, Alexa tells it like it is.

“But hey, continue being a shallow, hateful troll in life and  see where it gets you!”

Quite frankly, this dude shouldn’t be surprised that she saw it and replied.

First of all, he probably wouldn’t have posted something so obviously inflammatory (and hyperbolic — he called her hideous?!) if he didn’t want to get a rise out of someone. Out of either Alexa herself or another fan.

Second of all, Alexa is not shy about discourse in Instagram comments. Seriously, and you can look at her page for yourself, she’ll talk politics with absolutely anyone.

(For the record, she mostly hopes for conciliatory politicians to make decisions for everyone; she talks about wanting things like Wall Street held accountable when they do wrong but also valuing prosperity. So her views definitely aren’t extreme)

Trolling is all good and well until you meet someone who won’t back down and whose fans will absolutely tear you to shreds.

And, again — though it’s not really the point of this whole thing — Alexa Ray Joel is absolutely gorgeous.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Christie Brinkley: Serena"s Naked Photo Shoot Is Fire, "I"d Be Honored to Work with Her"

Legend respects legend. Christie Brinkley just dropped some SERIOUS praise on Serena Williams — saying her nude, pregnant Vanity Fair cover is bomb as hell … and it would be an “honor” to work with her!  The modeling icon turned business…


Sunday, May 14, 2017

David Foster & Christie Brinkley Sing at TMZ Photog"s Birthday Party (VIDEO)

David Foster is a man of his word … he not only showed up at a birthday party for one of our camera guys, but he brought Christie Brinkley — and they both sang! The legendary songwriter/producer walked into the Stinking Rose, grabbed a seat at…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Christie Brinkley and Daughters: Sizzling in Sports Illustrated!

Christie Brinkley is 63 years old.

This is simply a fact. It isn’t all that interesting on its own.

But it’s downright fascinating and really pretty amazing when you stop and look at the following photo.

Oh, yes, that’s a snapshot of Brinkley and her two daughters posing for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition.

They will be featured on one of the three covers of this year’s annual, bikini-clad issue of that publication.

Brinkley first graced a SI Swimsuit cover way back in 1979. (She was also featured on the cover in 1980 and 1981.)

She spent the next several years touring the globe, posing for a number of magazines and becoming one of the best known super models on the planet.

But she retired in 2004, only agreeing to put back on her sexy attire for this unique opportunity of posing alongside children Alexa Ray Joel, 31, and Sailor Brinkley Cook, 18.

The issue that features mom and her two daughters will go on sale on February 15.

“My first thought was, ‘At my age? No way!’” Brinkley told People of the shoot, adding:

“When I turned 30, I was like, ‘This is the last time I’m posing in a bathing suit!’ When this issue comes out, I’ll be 63. I thought, ‘Those days are over.’

“But to get to do it with my girls, I thought, ‘One last go!’”

The beautiful family members are posing above in Turks & Caicos.

And even though Sailor looks amazing, she shared this photo on her Instagram page with a lengthy, pointed and personal caption attached to it.

“I grew up not loving how I looked and felt held back because of it,” the teenager wrote.

“I don’t know why I always felt that way… sure I had baby fat and definitely went through a plethora of awkward phases, but I had a family that loved me I had friends who made me laugh etc.

“But for some reason I still looked in the mirror and always somehow found something to pick on.”

The 18-year old went on to say that she went from “too fat” to “too thin” to “too muscular” and was never satisfied with what she saw in the mirror.

“Recently I have been liberated,” she wrote, explaining:

“I am healthy, I treat myself well, and for that I’m happy. I’ve looked in the mirror and been able to LOVE the things about my body that beauty norms deem ‘undesirable.’

“I now have grown to know that my body is worthy of so many great things. I don’t need to be a size 0 to believe in myself. My body carries me each and every day, it loves the people I love, it holds what makes me healthy and strong, it bends it shakes it runs and it CHANGES.

“That is okay and that is beautiful.”

Amen, Sailor!

Alexa, who tragically attempted suicide in 2009, also took to Instagram on Tuesday to comment on the family snapshot.

“I don’t have a completely flat tummy, or cellulite-free thighs … nor am I a model’s height or shape,” she wrote on her account.

“Neither are hundreds of millions of other beautiful women out there. SO WHAT?

“All of those unrealistic-looking, photoshopped images are nothing more than white noise, playing off of your own insecurities in order to make a buck.

“Don’t let them affect you. DO YOU! We are all perfect, just as we are.”

You raised your daughters well, Christine.

Well done, all three of you.


Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Christie Brinkley Defends Hosing Peeing Woman: Stay Away From My Rocks!

Christie Brinkley is not a fan of people urinating in public. 

That much was discovered when 36-year-old Sag Harbor hairdresser Erica Remkus decided to relieve herself on the rocks right outside Brinkley’s home. 

Remkus recalled that the former supermodel was very rude about the whole experience and shouted at her. 

“What are you doing?” Brinkley yelled at the woman. 

“You can’t pee in front of my house! You have to go away. You’re standing on my rocks. You can’t pee on my rocks. I walk there!”

Brinkley was totally wrong because the rocks were not hers and the police confirmed that the part of the beach that was actually urinated on is public property. 

That said, how would you feel if you caught someone urinating right in front of your house?

That wouldn’t go down well with anyone. Right?!

Erica was not about to give up without a fight and fired back some facts at Christie. 

“These are not your rocks… This is not your beach. The beach is public property. You don’t own it.”

Erica claims that she hadn’t even begun to urinate when she was soaked with Christie’s hose. 

“I would not have peed if she didn’t spray me,” the woman insisted.

“After that, I kind of had to.”

Christie didn’t hold back in an Instagram post about the whole situation. 

“I know it’s Independence Day but that does not mean ‘free to pee’ in front of my guests and me at my fireworks gathering,” she complained.

“Maybe the trespasser should celebrate ‘Depends Day’ as she apparently thinks she lives in ‘The Land of the Pee,’ as I was forced to hose down her mess after she urinated in my yard all the while throwing things at me,” Brinkley claimed.

“My wish for everyone on this Fourth of July is…May you live in the Land of the Free from belligerent drunken stalkers with weak bladders and foul mouths. That’s not too much to ask right?”