Showing posts with label Delusional. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delusional. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Meek Mill"s Lawyer Says Judge Brinkley is "A Little Delusional"

Judge Genece Brinkley is “a little sad and a little delusional” for not removing herself from Meek Mill’s case … so says Meek’s lawyer. Joe Tacopina is incredulous at statements made by Brinkley’s lawyer that her honor will not recuse herself…


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Scheana Marie: SLAMMED For Delusional Relationship With Robert Valletta!

If you’ve been watching Vanderpump Rules this season, then you’re likely aware that Scheana Marie was dating Robert Valletta during filming.

It’s pretty much impossible to miss this fact, as every word out of Scheana’s mouth has had something to do with Rob.

Yes, despite the fact that she was not yet divorced from Mike Shay at the time, Scheana fell head over heels for Rob over the summer.

Unfortunately, it seems like the attraction was primarily one-way.

While Scheana has spent much of the season gleefully describing Rob’s penis and television-mounting skills to her increasingly uninterested friends, Valletta has pretty much behaved like the human embodiment of the phrase “he’s just not that into you.”

This is the woman who rose to fame by banging a married Eddie Cibrian and then grinned her way through a disastrous, short-lived marriage, so it’s not like we’re used to seeing her in healthy relationships.

But even by her own manic standards, Scheana’s behavior has been absolutely bonkers this season.

Needless to say, fans have taken notice.

“Is it embarrassing for you to watch the show and see how pathetic you look chasing Rob and not even being with him anymore when you acted like you were married already?” wrote one user on Scheana’s Instagram page.

“Tonight’s episode f-cking embarrassing!!! [You’re] delusional and need professional help!!!” opined another commenter.

“This season is hard to watch. I’ve never seen someone come across so desperate and insecure. Honest to God I’ve never seen anything like it,” remarked a third.

The situation is made even more cringe-worthy by the fact Scheana and Rob broke up before the current season of Vanderpump even made it to air.

The 32-year-old former pop singer has been outspoken in her own defense, claiming that she’s simply a victim of bad editing.

Fans remain unconvinced because of course Scheana is defending herself.

So now Rob is speaking out on his ex’s behalf, and basically telling viewers to STFU:

“A lot of people are watching a TV show that was shot months ago, and TV shows are shot to create drama and intrigue. No one knows what happens behind closed doors and or when the cameras are off,” he tweeted this week.

It’s hard to think of a more self-defeating phenomenon than the weird habit reality stars have of informing the public that their popular reality show is total bullsh-t.

We know producers have gone to great lengths to convince us Rob is a Super-Successful Hollywood Guy, but really this is the only project he’s ever been involved with that people have actually seen.

If you don’t believe us, just check out his Wikipedia page.

Oh wait … you can’t because Famous Actor Man doesn’t have a Wikipedia page. In 2018.

Look, we’re sure Rob does alright for himself at … whatever it is he actually does for a living, but maybe he and Scheana should both pipe down and learn to shrug the hate off a bit.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to relive Scheana’s season of denial.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Farrah Abraham: Hilarious, Delusional LinkedIn Profile Revealed!

Farrah Abraham is probably the most ambitious out of all the Teen Mom ladies.

She"s opened several business within the last year, she made sure to capitalize on her fame by releasing that sex tape after the first run of Teen Mom was cancelled …

When the sex tape was successful, she actually made molds of her genitals so she could sell her very own sex toys.

The girl"s got some hustle, that much is undeniable.

Farrah is so serious about her career that she"s even completed the ultimate business-minded person"s rite of passage: she went and lied her ass off on her LinkedIn profile.

What"s that? You"ve never seen her LinkedIn profile?

Well, then sit back, relax, and allow us to take you on a journey through one of the most strange and magical places on the internet …

1. Your Girl Farrah

Your girl farrah

There she is! Her profile picture is recent, which we all know is important. Her most recent gig is listed right there — her upcoming MTV dating show — and she’s got lots of connections. Maybe this will actually be fine!

2. It’s All Downhill from Here …

Farrah abraham castle selfie

But when you scroll down a little bit, you get to her summary — the part of the profile where she tells us all about herself and her background. And it’s … well, it’s not good.

3. Humble Beginnings


“I once saw a boy run a lemonade Stand on a corner,” she writes of her very first job. “I opened my own and took all of his business and made the local news paper by being sweet & savvy! Plus I hired the neighbor kids to help me and started other local neighborhood businesses.”

4. The Cart Girl

Farrah abraham hair

“I was once the cart girl at a grocery store starting at minimum wage and corperate America & had to apply 3 times before getting the job, then worked my way up the ladder to bag sacker, cashier, catering and food sampler,” she recounts of her next gig. “Today I’ve had my own products being sold in whole foods and grocery stores, selling out.” Sure, Farrah. Sure.

5. The Modesty!

Farrah abraham walking the street

“I was once the girl buying all those magazines and now I’m on the cover and in magazines and am the star of every occasion,” Farrah says. “I once strived to be the best in reality television and now I’m the top reality star and top 10 listed female celebrity in the nation.” The top 10 listed female celebrity, guys. That’s how important Farrah Abraham is.

6. Can She Read Though?

Farrah pic

“I once couldn’t finish a book,” she reveals, “and now I made the New York Times Best Sellers List and wrote a memoir, trilogy and children’s book.” Don’t brag too hard, girl. You may have “written” a “book,” but you’re still not all that great at stringing a sentence together. Finish more books.

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Tinashe Gets Restraining Order Against Delusional, Gun-Obsessed Fan

Tinashe now has legal protection against the obsessed fan who traveled from Boston to L.A. thinking they’re married … especially alarming given his renewed interest in guns. Martin Murphy will have to stay 100 yards away from the singer,…


Monday, August 22, 2016

Teen Mom OG: Debra Calls Simon Delusional, Needs To Look In The Mirror

Being lectured by Debra Danielson has to be the most infuriating – yet amusing – experience.  

During a preview for tonight"s season premiere of Teen Mom OG, Danielson takes her daughter, Farrah Abraham"s boyfriend, Simon Saran aside to give him a stern talking-to about respect.  

The clip opens up with Debo getting up from her chair at a party to give Saran a hug hello.  He announced that it was the first time all night that she said "hi" to him.

The animosity between Abraham"s mom and her boyfriend was real, as Debo invited Saran for a little chat away from the crowds.  As Saran followed Debo, sympathetic bystanders offered to fill his glass of wine to the brim.

"Alright, let me have it.  What"s on your mind?" Saran said, ready for whatever fresh hell Debo was about to unload.

"One of my greatest needs is respect," Debo started, as Saran patiently listened.

"So if you fuck with my respect, it doesn"t make me happy," she continued.  

"I"ve never once been convicted of anything, for domestic violence, of hurting anybody.  Like, you think I"m a liar, and that I"m full of bullshit."

"I"ve never called you a liar. If you"re gonna say that…," Saran interjected, calmly telling Debo that she"s crazier than a crazy straw.  When Debo tried to interrupt him, Saran (again, in a calm tone) told her to hush up.

"No, when you don"t let me finish talking, that"s when I start ignoring you, and I don"t listen to what you say.

Now, where was he?  Oh yes, being called all sorts of things.

"When somebody ever tries to judge me, or say I"m domestically violent, or…" Saran started again.

"I didn"t say you were domestically violent," Debo protested.   "I said that you have passive aggressive traits."

"Ok," Saran said, wanting so badly for someone to come rescue him.

"And you do," Debo continued.  "We all know this.  But I"m telling you because I want you to be the very best human being you can be."

Saran brought up comparisons to Debo"s ex-husband, Michael, and Saran said he took that as compliment since he sees Michael as a hard worker and helpful to his daughter and granddaughter.

This didn"t sit well with Debo, who asked him why he doesn"t see similar qualities in her.

What prompted Debo to call Saran delusional? Oh, do we have a treat in store for you.  Watch the clip below.

Teen mom og debra calls simon delusional needs to look in the mi