Monday, August 22, 2016

Teen Mom OG: Debra Calls Simon Delusional, Needs To Look In The Mirror

Being lectured by Debra Danielson has to be the most infuriating – yet amusing – experience.  

During a preview for tonight"s season premiere of Teen Mom OG, Danielson takes her daughter, Farrah Abraham"s boyfriend, Simon Saran aside to give him a stern talking-to about respect.  

The clip opens up with Debo getting up from her chair at a party to give Saran a hug hello.  He announced that it was the first time all night that she said "hi" to him.

The animosity between Abraham"s mom and her boyfriend was real, as Debo invited Saran for a little chat away from the crowds.  As Saran followed Debo, sympathetic bystanders offered to fill his glass of wine to the brim.

"Alright, let me have it.  What"s on your mind?" Saran said, ready for whatever fresh hell Debo was about to unload.

"One of my greatest needs is respect," Debo started, as Saran patiently listened.

"So if you fuck with my respect, it doesn"t make me happy," she continued.  

"I"ve never once been convicted of anything, for domestic violence, of hurting anybody.  Like, you think I"m a liar, and that I"m full of bullshit."

"I"ve never called you a liar. If you"re gonna say that…," Saran interjected, calmly telling Debo that she"s crazier than a crazy straw.  When Debo tried to interrupt him, Saran (again, in a calm tone) told her to hush up.

"No, when you don"t let me finish talking, that"s when I start ignoring you, and I don"t listen to what you say.

Now, where was he?  Oh yes, being called all sorts of things.

"When somebody ever tries to judge me, or say I"m domestically violent, or…" Saran started again.

"I didn"t say you were domestically violent," Debo protested.   "I said that you have passive aggressive traits."

"Ok," Saran said, wanting so badly for someone to come rescue him.

"And you do," Debo continued.  "We all know this.  But I"m telling you because I want you to be the very best human being you can be."

Saran brought up comparisons to Debo"s ex-husband, Michael, and Saran said he took that as compliment since he sees Michael as a hard worker and helpful to his daughter and granddaughter.

This didn"t sit well with Debo, who asked him why he doesn"t see similar qualities in her.

What prompted Debo to call Saran delusional? Oh, do we have a treat in store for you.  Watch the clip below.

Teen mom og debra calls simon delusional needs to look in the mi